Hello, Kim Ji Woo Hyung *coughs* betrayer

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BITCH WHY DID U .... ugh

"We got him! But not in the state you'd expect him to be in," Tae Oh said through the phone as he stared as the unconscious body of Ji Woo Hyung was being placed in a stretcher. His hand was clutched tightly on a phone and a walkie talkie.

"I'll go with him and make sure Jungkook doesn't start throwing punches," Manager Park said

Tae Oh nodded. He grabbed the car keys from the ground and unlocked the Jeon's car. The seats were spotless and all that was there was a white engraved with the letters 'KJW-REAL'. Tae Oh picked up the cap and looked at it, he remembered this cap vividly now. His mother was right, Ji Woo Hyung was there playing soccer with him in the front porch but that wasn't the last time he saw Ji Woo Hyung.

Tae Oh walked to the swings and sat there, alone. Everyone else had friends but no one would play with him cause he didn't talk to them. They thought he was weird so they made fun of him and never, ever included him in anything. It was 7 p.m. and everyone went inside to eat dinner but Tae Oh brought his dinner outside. He rather eat alone in peace than eat with other people who continuously mock him.

"Ya, Tae Joon right?" A voice said and Tae Oh looked up to see Ji Woo hyung.

"Hyung! How did you find me?"

"Ahhh, Hyung has his ways. What are you doing sitting out here?"

"People are mean to me," Tae Oh said as he scooped a spoonful of kimchi fried rice into his mouth.

"Did your dad leave you here?"

Tae Oh kept eating

"So, you're still Tae Joon right?"

"Nope. They call me Tae Oh here,"

"You do look different. Here, I brought you this soccer ball and... this," Ji Woo said holding out a laptop to the 8 year old and a book.

"What's this? Coding?"

"I know you're too young and all but maybe you can use this during school, make some cash,"

Tae Oh grinned.

"KIM TAE OH WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING OUT THERE!" A sister came out from the hope church orphanage and clutched her hand over her heart once she saw Ji Woo.

"Come here now," She tugged on Tae Oh's hand so hard he felt like it was about to detach from his body like a Ken doll.

"Annyeong Hyung!" Tae Oh waved goodbye

Ji Woo waved back and walked away.

Tae Oh snapped out of it and went to the elevator. He saw Ji Woo now on the floor moaning and crouching. Jungkook Hyung was being held back by doctors and Manager Park.

"That piece of trash knows! HE KNOWS WHERE SHE IS!" He yelled.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Ji Woo hyung said clutching his jaw, where blood began to drip.

"KIM SOO HYUK," He said and Ji Woo looked at him

"Hyung..." Tae Oh started and Ji Woo turned to face him

He sat there for awhile before letting out a large sigh

"Arraso, I know Kim Soo Hyuk," He said sitting up

Jungkook was about to go in for another punch when Ji Woo yelled out , " Ya! I said I know him not what he's doing!"

"YOU ALMOST KILLED MY APPA!" Jungkook yelled

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