Busan Rules

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If you give me your hand, I'll help you stand and teach you how to walk again

As soon as Jungkook Hyung left Tae Oh packed his suitcase and wore his favourite red and white sports hoodie, a black baseball cap and black joggers. Tae Oh had checked the apartment's security update before leaving it to make sure it was working well.

"It looks fine," Tae Oh mumbled and stashed away his Ipad into his carry on.

"Kim Tae Oh?" a voice called from behind him

Tae Oh turned around to see the familiar face of the Jeon's Family bodyguard, Kim Ji Woo.He was promoted to junior head bodyguard right after Se Jin ahjussi resigned eventhough he was 35 years old. Ji Woo Hyung has been around the Jeons Family since he was 15 years old. Tae Oh knew this because Jungkooks Hyung told him about Ji woo Hyung when they met him.
He was wearing black shades and had a walkie talkie strapped to his left pocket. He also wore a tight suit which looked horribly uncomfortable. 

Speaking of suits, Tae Oh forgot to pack one. Oh well.

"Where is Jungkook? Mr Jeon needs to speak with him about Yu Mi's and his marriage preparation. He did not answer his calls and neither did he answer Yu Mi's voicemails. I think she left about 30 of them? Poor Jungkook" Ji Woo said while laughing.

Tae Oh smirked. He always liked Ji Woo Hyung since the day Jungkook introduced him. He was one of the people that Tae Oh actually talks to other than Jungkook Hyung and Se Jin ahjjushi.

"He's at work," Tae Oh answered shortly. He checked his phone. 8.30 a.m. His flight left in about an hour.

"Aigo, Okay then. Should I give you a lift? You look like you're running away," said Ji Woo with a questioning look.

"I need to go to Busan," he said.

"Put your bags in the back seat and I'll drive you to the airport," Ji Woo said while opening the backseat door for Tae Oh.

Tae Oh placed his stuff and got into the front seat. He then plugged in his headphones and placed them over his ears. He liked Ji Woo Hyung but he didn't want to create an uncomfortable atmosphere in the car right now. The best choice was to drown himself in the world of music.

He was only 16 years old when he was caught by Jeon Jungkook, the son of the chairman of the hospital he was hacking into. He accepted his offer which was staying with Jungkook Hyung and working for him instead of gangsters. It was a sticky situation to leave a gang but Jungkook Hyung paid them some money and hired professional bodyguards to guard the apartment and to follow Tae Oh so that he wouldn't be in any harm.

Four years passed and Tae Oh was perfectly safe. He even accumulated enough cash to buy a new apartment for himself. He could leave if he wanted to but Jungkook Hyung can't seem to take care of himself. Jungkook might be older than him but he often forgets to eat his meals and usually drowns himself in work. Once, Tae Oh found him in the attic with a high fever of 41*C        He might be older but he sure acts like a child.

Jungkook Hyung might be the only thing keeping Tae Oh out of trouble. Without him, Tae Oh might probably be on the streets again so he always took care of Hyung even if he nags continuously.

The only thing that Tae Oh kept from Jungkook was that he wasn't actually an orphan, to begin with. Jungkook Hyung thought Tae Oh's parents died when he was born but actually Tae Oh was left at a church when he was 5-years-old.


The only time he saw his parents were in a funeral house which the nuns brought him to. His father was dead and his mother was gone. He was 7 at that time and he overheard the detectives calling it a murder case. They suspected his mother killed his father for money but she is nowhere to be found. They searched everywhere for her but to no avail.

His mother was not a murderer. He wanted to find her. He needed to find her before it was too late.

13 years passed as quickly as the raindrops fall but Tae Oh couldn't find his mother and neither was she on the news.

Tae Oh leaned his head against the window and pulled out a strawberry lollipop and stuck it in his mouth. The flavour somehow always calms him down.


Hyung - older brother ( guys use this)

Aigo - it's like a sigh of disappointment

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