Happy Birthday, Kim Tae...

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Blow out your candles, make a wish said the lady that left her son 

Tae Oh laid in bed, lost in a train of thoughts about his past. He looked at the ceiling and replayed the conversation he had with Miss Ji-an yesterday.

She said his mother was here. Here in Korea but where exactly? He searched every city from Seoul to Busan to Hongdae to Jeju but he couldn't find her. Did she purposely not want to see him? Maybe she got remarried after dad died and had a new family. Tae Oh got up and walked to the kitchen for breakfast. It was already 10 a.m and Hyung went to work so the house was quiet when he saw a card lying on the kitchen counter.


                                 - HYUNG'

Tae Oh smiled. It was 29th December which was an odd month to have a birthday but oh well.

"Who's he calling rascal? I'll hack his system if he calls me that again," he laughed and read the contents of the card.

'Kim Tae Oh - the idiot I picked up from the street,

 Saeng-il chugha Tae Oh ah! Today marks the day you officially turn 20 so act like it, please. Don't dress like a beggar with no clothes and please wear a suit WHEN WE GO FOR MEETINGS! I won't bug you today but I do have a present for you but we'll have to go to Busan for it. Be ready at 2.00 p.m Hyung will be back and we'll go to Busan together. Not for work but for something I think you have the right to know. No, I will not tell you what it is so don't bother calling me. I cooked some breakfast for you but I'm not sure if it's poisonous so call me if you die from it.Arraso, goodbye.

                                                        -Jeon Jung Kook - the most handsome person to walk the earth

Geez, Hyung is so full of himself. Tae Oh looked at the table which was covered with different types of food. It wasn't much but for a one-person meal, it looked too much. There were egg rolls, seaweed soup, kimchi stew, fried tofu and two slices of cake. 

"I guess the only day he doesn't starve me is on my birthdays,"

Jungkook Hyung also celebrated Tae Oh's birthday but never his own. He didn't like it but he insisted on celebrating Tae Oh's birthday. Last year, Hyung bought him his own motorcycle and took him out for soju which was probably not the legal drinking age but it was fun having someone to do that with considering Tae Oh didn't have any parents to guide him through life. He only had Jungkook Hyung. 

Tae Oh slurped on the seaweed soup and chocked. 

"That's super salty!" but he kept eating it anyway. He wasn't sure why but just knowing that someone actually cared enough to make him a birthday meal made him happy. It tasted bad but it was the thought that counts.

"Secretary Lee, I have to leave now," Jungkook said walking towards Ji Eun

"Is there a problem sir?" 

"Today's Tae Oh's birthday and well I'm taking him somewhere so I'm actually busy. Will you be able to manage the calls? If there are any urgent paperwork just direct them to Manager Sejin,"

"Oh! Yes, President Jeon, I'll do that,"

Jungkook looked at her. She looked a little scared.

"About Yu Mi, don't mind her. She won't chop you up in pieces and kill you so relax okay?"

Ji Eun nodded and Jungkook turned to leave. After he left, Ji Eun collapsed on her chair as her legs gave way. She didn't know whether to take Yu Mi's death threat seriously or to brush it off. 


Ji Eun sat up straight and moved to answer the call. 

"For now, let's just forget about it," She said and answered the call of the client.

"Hyung, where in Busan are you taking me?"

"YAH! I told you that you'll see once you get there. Stop asking me !"

Tae Oh was impatient as Jungkook Hyung just didn't budge whenever he tried to pry the answer from him so he plugged in his earphones and listened to music instead.

Soon, Jungkook pulled up at the red bean shop.

"Why are we here?"

"To eat red bean of course!"

"This is the present? Gosh, Hyung you downgraded,"

"Tae Oh?"

"Yea?" Tae Oh looked at Hyung who looked kind of reluctant to say his next line.

"What? What is it?" 

"Your mother isn't dead is she?"

Tae Oh stopped walking towards the shop and looked at Hyung

"How did you know? I never told you," He stared at Jungkook Hyung

"I found her,"

Tae Oh grabbed Jungkook's collar and looked straight at him

"Don't talk shit to me Hyung. Don't play with my emotions like that. You can't find her, she's nowhere! She's missing! She is better off dead because I can't FIND HER!"

Jungkook took Tae Oh's hands off of him.

"The owner of the red bean shop. The owner's name is  Cheon Song Yi,"

"Yes, that I know but why are you talking about her?"

"You really never pay attention to the details, do you? Have you not seen the picture she has on the counter? The picture of her family? Don't you remember the stories she told us about how her husband died and how she had to leave because the police suspected she killed him?"

Tae Oh was silent.

Chae Song Yi ahjumma was actually .....his mother?

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