A lil story

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sometimes sorry doesn't cut it.

"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner," She said staring at Tae Oh right in the eye full of sorrow and regret. He could sense she felt sad but all he felt was anger.

"Why did you leave me? How could you leave me? Did you think it was right? What did i do that was wrong omma? WHAT?" Tae Oh yelled , the restaurant was close to empty by now and truthfully he didn't care who heard him. The hurt and misery that he had successfully bottled up for the last 15 years had exploded.

"That's not true Tae Joon ah," She said taking his hand in hers.

"Why do you keep calling me that? The church lady called me that. Even Ji Woo Hyung calls me that,"

He suddenly felt his hand being squeezed like a lemon. 

"OMMA!" He yelled to get her attention and only then did she release her grip on his hand. 

"What did you say?"

"I asked why you called me Tae Joon when my name is actually Tae Oh,"

"No, after that,"

"The church lady calls me Tae Joon? Even Jungkook Hyung?"

"Tae Oh is your cover up name. Your real name is Tae Joon which is also your birth name," His mother said while taking out a family photo of the three of them and looked at it lovingly before handing it over to him.

In the photo, Tae Oh was holding a huge candy cane while sitting comfortably on his fathers shoulders. His father who was masculine and tall, wearing a panda shirt at the time had one arm on Tae Oh's back supporting him while the other was wrapped around his mother's petite waist. They were all laughing. 

It was the picture they took in the theme park.

"We ate red bean porridge after," Tae Oh said grinning and rubbing his thumb over his fathers youthful face. He actually forgot what he looked like. 

"You liked it so much you made me cook it over and over again. Your father loved it. He was actually happy you took after him. To answer you question, your name is Tae Joon, that was the name your father gave to you but your name is also Tae Oh because it also was the name your father gave you,"

"Why did you change it?"

"He changed it because he had his reasons. Eat you porridge first, we will discuss all of this soon. Omma will tell you everything. I'm so sorry for everything," She pulled him in for a hug

He was trying to fight back his tears but once he entered her embrace he started sobbing like a little child lost in the theme park. He was back again , 5 years old abandoned at the orphanage and crying his heart out. The only difference was the meaning behind the tears.

He was crying happy tears this time.

"Annyeonghaseyeo? Hyung. She's not dead, I thought she died but she didn't. What do we do? Should we kill her before she spills the beans to her son?

"Don't be an idiot. You don't want to draw attraction,"

"So what? Let her live?"

"Let her live, for now. The story should start soon and so will the game,"


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