Welcome Back To Hell

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Just when you think you are safe, that's when the devil hits you with a frying pan


Those were the only sounds heard in the cold dark room. The silence was now broken and noise erupted. The sound of a chair was heard being pulled and sat on by the person that just entered. It wasn't a nice place, it was a sinful place. The man that just entered signalled the other man that was seated on the opposite side of the glass mirror to pick up the telephone.

"When do you get out?" the man asked the other that was still silent 

"In about a week" he finally responded

"Do you have a plan?" 

"I always have a plan!"

"Is it a good plan this time?"

"Are you criticising my work?"

"I'm just saying you should be careful Hyung,"

"Did you find that girl?"

"I will,"

"Times up, let's go now," A police guard said while hauling the man that had just finished his conversation. The man, who was now being hauled by the police guard turn around and gave a glare to the man still seated. His glare meant something. It was words, a secret conversation that was held for 0.10 seconds before he disappeared behind the walls.

The man in the suit deciphered the secret message almost instantly. It was simple really. 

Find The Girl Or Else.

This time it would work. This time he would take revenge on the man who rained hell on his world. 

"2 down, 1 to go," he mumbled and walked out of the cold dark room. The fading sound of his shoes was the last thing heard.


"Breaking News, the kidnapper Kim Soo Hyuk is soon to be released after serving 20 years in prison and parole. He was supposed to be sentenced for a good 50 years but got a lesser sentence after it was confirmed he had a physiological disorder by a specialist. Next up, the weather in Seoul is said to be raining so if you would like to go out please take a --." 

The bowl fell, Ji Eun was now starring at the television. She knew he was going to be released this year but she always felt shocked hearing it. Now it was confirmed. Her kidnapper from 20 years ago is being released. 

"Why do you look so worried?" her mother asked

"Omma, he's being released soon,"

Her mother looked at the television and back to her daughter

"yah! Why are you worried? He won't do anything to you. It's all in the past Ji Eun ah," 

"Omma, he is coming to kill me. OMMA! Save me please!" Ji Eun yelled and started trembling

Her mother grabbed her pink pills and held her daughter, soothing her

"Nothing will happen to you. He won't hurt you anymore. There is always the law. If he hurts you again, he is sure to be placed back in jail and he sure as hell doesn't want that," 

Ji Eun stopped yelling 

"Take these pills. You haven't taken them today, have you?"

Ji Eun shook her head and swallowed the pills. She felt her heart become lose and the burden was gone. It was okay. She was going to be okay and nothing can get her. She'll be fine. Her mother gave her one last tight hug before letting her leave to her bedroom.


It was a message from Jungkook. He really knows how to crash the mood but at least she had something else to focus on.

Meeting. Tomorrow.8 a.m I will only remind you this one time. Get the scheduled memorize 

                                                                                                                                              Yes sir


This time it was from Tae Oh. Ji Eun smiled. He was so silly but very nice to her.

Noona, I'll come by your house at 6.30 a.m. and we can go to breakfast. If  that's okay with you

                                                                                                    Sounds Great! Call me when you arrive

Goodnight  ^0^



Ji Eun didn't know who was this from. It was an unknown number. Why did this person call her lollipop?  She decided to delete the message and block the number straight away. She went to bed with a mind full of thoughts

'Maybe I can ask my boss for a bodyguard?'

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