I don't associate with peasants

172 23 0

Someone call the fashion police


"5 more minutes," Ji Eun said and hit the snooze button.

'I better see the report from the management team on my table BEFORE I get there,'

Ji Eun jumped and looked at the clock. It was 7.00 a.m. She wasn't late and the president won't get there until around 8.00 a.m. so she needed to wake up now to be on time.

"JI EUN AH, DO YOU WANT BREAD OR RICE?" her mother yelled from downstairs.

"RICE IS FINE," Ji Eun yelled back.

She ran towards the shower and quickly scrubbed her body and she got out in less than 20 minutes. She applied cream and sunscreen on her face before applying light makeup. Ji Eun grabbed a blue pleated skirt and a white blouse and got dressed before running down the stairs.

"Sit down, it's only 7.30 a.m. now. Your work starts at 8.30 a.m. doesn't it?" her mother asked while placing a bowl of rice in front of Ji Eun and a variety of side dishes on the table.

"Omma, I really have to be there before the president or I might actually get fired!" she said while gobbling up the rice and soup quickly.

"Yah, you look like a pig eating like that. Eat like a lady will you? How will you get married?"

"I'm 24!"

Ji Eun slipped on her black heels and ran out the door to the bus stop. She caught the bus just in time and finally sat down catching her breath. She switched on her phone to check the time, it was 7.40 a.m. now.

She arrived at Daebok Group at exactly 7.50 a.m. and walked to the elevator. She was a sweating mess. Her hair was messy and her legs were sore from running. She forgot to wear her socks and it was quite obvious that the back of her foot would get blistered by the end of the day.

"Secretary Lee?" a voice came from behind her

Ji Eun turned around to find her assistant holding two cups of coffee.

"You're very early. Here, I bought this for you as motivation on your first day as a real secretary. I wasn't sure what coffee you liked so I got a caramel macchiato," She said handing the coffee to Ji Eun. " I forgot to mention one important detail yesterday, my name is Sun, Kim Sun." She said and stuck out her hand

Ji Eun shook it and smiled. Come to think of it, Kim Sun is her assistant. It wouldn't hurt to ask if she could run along to the marketing department to get her the files.

"Miss Kim Sun, Would you mind getting me the presentation files from the marketing department. The president would like a copy on his table," Ji Eun asked

"Yeah, sure. I'll get it from the head of marketing then," She pressed the number 10 on the elevator.

'10th Floor, Marketing Department'

Kim Sun got off and smiled at Ji Eun before walking away. The elevator doors closed and headed up to level 14.

'14th Floor, President Floor'

Ji Eun got off and placed the coffee on her desk. She peered through the glass window of the presidents' room only to see no one there. The president hasn't arrived yet. She quickly went to the washroom and fixed her hair with a bit of water and retied it into a high ponytail.


" Secretary Lee, I have the file you asked for!" Kim Sun yelled from outside the washroom
"I'm leaving it on your desk,"

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