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TWO CUPS OF COFFEE AND ONE RATHER INTERESTING CONVERSATION LATER, Spencer and Katharine were back in the BAU building, chatting like two friends that had known each other for years.

"And that's how I broke Derek's nose in the eighth grade," Katharine concluded her story, tossing her empty coffee cup into a bin. She didn't normally drink coffee so close to boarding a plane but she figured one cup with the good doctor couldn't hurt. Besides, it's been at least four hours since she'd had her last cup. She needed the caffeine. 

"You know, most people who have healed broken noses wind up with it being crooked for the rest of their lives," Spencer commented. "I'd say Morgan was one of the lucky ones. He still looks good."

She laughed. "Depends on how you would define good. I'd say I did better off in the genes department."

"I don't know," Spencer bumped her side, "Derek Morgan isn't far from the modern-day Adonis. Or at least, that's according to what Garcia says."

Katharine gave something halfway between a laugh and a sound of disbelief. "Adonis?" she wrinkled her nose. "Hephaestus, at best."

Spencer laughed--no--giggled, at Katharine's words.

Adorable, she thought. Katharine observed the man she had gotten the pleasure of knowing thus far. Whether it was the ten minutes they'd actually spent together, or the x amount of years they'd get in the future, Katharine was sure she wanted to be a part of every moment like this.

She picked herself up off his desk, running a hand through her hair. "I'm gonna run to the bathroom before we head to the airstrip. Wait for me?"

Spencer found himself nodding. He messed with his own hair, pushing it out of his face before settling his hands around the cup of coffee he'd yet to finish. "I'll be right here when you get back," he promised.

Katharine sent him an award-winning smile before departing from his desk, Spencer watching her move through the office. It was almost like she had always been with the BAU, how easily she moved through the office space.

"So," Morgan rolled himself over to Spencer's desk, leaning over the armrest and toward the younger boy, "what are your intentions with my baby cousin?" 

"Wh-What?" Spencer flushed, looking down and away from Morgan's eyes. "Nothing. I-I don't have intentions with Katharine."

His last sentence came out as more of a question. 

Morgan narrowed his eyes. "Look, Pretty Boy, I don't need Kat's abilities to tell that you're lying. In just ten minutes, she's got you wrapped around her finger. You're usually never like this, especially with girls."

Spencer was silent, for what seemed to be the first time in forever. His coworker was right. He had been acting uncharacteristically social around the light-skinned woman and he had no idea where the additional confidence hh had gained came from.

Then, there was a complete 180 in Morgan's demeanor. It was like a flip had been switched, going from prying best friend to protective older brother in less than half a second.

"If you do anything to hurt her, I won't even have to come looking for you, Reid," Morgan threatened. "You hear me?"

"Loud and clear," Spencer managed. "Besides, I think that if anything did happen, it'd be her I'd have to look out for."

Morgan clapped him on the shoulder, a little too forceful to be entirely friendly, and squeezed. The man's concerns came from a place of caring. Spencer could understand that. If he were related to someone like Katharine, he would've been doing the exact same thing that Morgan was. People like her deserved the best, and sometimes the best didn't come cheap.

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