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ONE OF THE PERKS OF BEING A WORKAHOLIC WAS THE SHEER AMOUNT OF VACATION DAYS BOTH KATHARINE AND SPENCER HAD BUILT UP. Over the past two years, Katharine had managed to procure an entire week of vacation days. On the other hand, Spencer had months built up due to almost never taking a personal day over the past ten years.

Time really did fly by when all a person did was work. Even before the FBI, SHIELD really was the entirety of Katharine's life. All she really knew since the age of twenty-one was field missions and tracking down the bad guys.

Just yesterday she had been working on a case beside the rest of her team. They'd been tracking down a homicidal boxer in Philadelphia who's initial motive for killing was financial gain. It was hard on the entire team when they eventually found the guy, allowing him those last moments with his son before the younger boy's passing.

After seeing that, Katharine decided that it was a good time for her and Spencer to take some time off. That, coupled with the approaching holidays, made it easy for Hotch to agree to sign off on their vacation request forms.

Katharine rolled over to Spencer's side of the bed, laying on her stomach as she watched him emerge from their bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist. She watched as he made his way into their closet, flicking the light on before disappearing behind the wall.

"You should get ready," he called out to her. She just groaned and pulled the blanket further up her barely-clothed body. Her outfit, if you could even consider it that, consisted of a pair of black panties as well as one of Spencer's shirts that just brushed the tops of her thighs when she was standing.

Katharine buried herself deeper into the bed. "Why do we have to get up so early? I'm pretty sure the jet won't leave without us. After all, I am the pilot."

Spencer came out of the closet, the towel that was once around his waist now slung over his shoulders. She watched him as he hung the towel on the hook they had inside the bathroom and lazily made her way into a sitting position when he came back out.

"We promised my mom that we'd be there before noon, remember?" He gave her a pointed look. "And it's already twelve here. It'll be eleven when we arrive."

Katharine looked over at the clock on the bedside table. "It's eleven-thirty, Spencer. I can get us there in less than two hours."

Nevertheless, she climbed out of bed and stretched before passing him to get into the shower. She spent roughly thirty minutes under the hot water, working at the stubborn knots in her hair. She then spent another twenty (or so) brushing her teeth and doing her hair so that it wouldn't become a giant mess of puff during the day.

Once she had finished, she made her way into the closet and got dressed, checking herself over in the body length mirror before heading into the kitchen. Katharine came up behind Spencer, who was standing over the stove, and wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his back.

"I'm sorry," she apologized against his back. "I know you're anxious to see your mom again and I really wasn't helping with that."

She felt his shoulders relax as he sighed, setting the spatula down and turning the stove off. He turned around in Katharine's arms, returning her hug. He pressed a kiss to the crown of her head, resting his cheek against her hair.

"It's fine," he said, making them sway back and forth slightly. "You were right. You'd get us there in an hour and thirty-two minutes if you wanted to."

Katharine smirked against his chest. "I promise I'll get us there before noon. Plus, we don't have to go through security or anything."

She pulled her head away slightly, tilting her head upward so that she could kiss him properly. He kissed her back, backing her into the kitchen island and helping her hop up onto the counter.

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