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BY THE TIME MAY ROLLED AROUND, almost everyone knew of Spencer and Katharine's engagement. Hotch had figured it out right away, surprisingly, and vouched for the both of them when it came around to gaining Strauss's approval.

Professionalism, their Section Chief had stressed before congratulating the two and going about her day. Now that had surprised Katharine, seeing as she had viewed the older woman as nothing more than an emotionless old lady that liked to stomp on everything fun. Turns out the woman actually did have a heart.

The next person to find out was Garcia if not for pure snooping. She'd noticed the ring on Spencer's finger right away but somehow managed to go a whole case without saying anything, which was quite possibly a new record for the blonde.

It wasn't until they landed back in Quantico did Garcia pull Katharine into her office and forced her to spill the beans.

Katharine had laughed, seeing as they hadn't exactly meant to keep their engagement a secret. It just happened that way. She told her bubbly friend that in the name of professionalism, she had to keep it on the down-low. It wouldn't be any fun if Spencer or she lost their jobs over it.

Rossi found out after Garcia, catching Spencer and her talking about wedding plans on the way out of the offices. After telling the older Italian man that they planned on just going to city hall and signing the papers, he insisted on hosting their sending-off party with the rest of the BAU in attendance.

They had agreed, promising to tell him when they'd be going off for their honeymoon, before bidding him good night.

Somehow, Nina found out before Derek did. It was mid-April when Nina came barging into the bullpen. She had a cake in her arms and balloons practically falling out of her ass to congratulate them on their engagement. That was the moment Derek found out.

When Katharine said she had never seen her cousin more upset than at that moment, she wasn't joking. He looked at her with the most disappointment she'd ever had to endure from him before eventually easing up on his disapproving looks.

"Why keep it a secret?" he had asked, one arm slung around her shoulder while the other held a small plate of half-eaten cake.

"We figured everyone already knew," Katharine had shrugged before shoving the rest of her cake into her cousin's face. Garcia had managed to capture that moment for her on her polaroid camera, immortalizing the moment.

Katharine smiled as she remembered that day, swinging Spencer and her interlocked hands as they walked through the parking lot at two in the morning. There were still four hours before the sun was set to rise.

While she absolutely despised her boss for forcing them to wake so early, she understood that time was of the essence. She listened to Spencer's ramblings, smiling and nodding at the correct times. She was too tired to tell him that her brain was only absorbing half of the information he was feeding her at the moment.

They exited the elevator on the BAU's floor, Spencer walking slightly ahead of her so that he could open the glass door for her like the gentleman he was. She thanked him with a kiss on the cheek before they were waved into the briefing room by Garcia, who looked way too energetic for the hour.

"Did you see Hotch on the way up?" she asked them as they sat in their respective chairs.

They both answered negatively, saying neither of them saw their boss in between the parking lot and the bullpen.

"Any minute," Rossi said, trying to get Garcia to calm down.

"I didn't get a file sent to me," the blonde stressed anyway. "Did a case go directly to him?"

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