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BECOMING A FUGITIVE WAS NEVER ONE OF THE TOP FIVE ITEMS ON KATHARINE'S BUCKET LIST but somehow it was the first thing she got to cross off.

Thankfully, she didn't have to be a fugitive for long. After the massive falling out between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff made it her mission to seek out the woman and bring her out of hiding.

After all, Katharine had only been hiding out from the rest of the world for two more months. It was June now and summer was just setting in, making staying closer to the ground harder than it had to be.

In short, Katharine was itching to leave her house and get back to work. A part-time job at a chain restaurant or even a full-time job at the bookstore around the corner would suffice. She just wanted to have a purpose in the world again.

Katharine stayed in the Quantico area, calling Derek every other week and letting him know how she was doing. Occasionally, she called him while he was on a case which meant she also got to say a quick hello to his more lenient coworkers, who she knew wouldn't rat her out to the rest of the government.

In fact, that was what Katharine was doing on this very bright and sunny day. She was on a video call with her cousin after a long morning of tending to her garden. Katharine was in the middle of telling Derek about the new purple campanula flowers she had just gotten when she heard a window shatter by her front door.

"What was that?" she heard Derek ask, his eyebrows furrowing and his demeanor changing drastically. It didn't help that he was still in the office, having used his lunchtime to give Katharine a quick call.

Katharine put a finger to her lips, telling the older man to be quiet, as she drew her gun from underneath the countertop. It was one of the many places she had weapons hidden around the house, a precaution that she had kept up since leaving SHIELD.

She heard a vase break in the other room before she decided to go and investigate. She rounded the corner and was met with a fist coming straight at her face. Katharine dodged and grabbed her assailant's arm, using the forward motion of the punch to bring the other person's stomach to meet her knee.

She shoved her attacker into the wall but they twisted out of her grip, sending a kick right into Katharine's side. She took the hit, grunting when the wind was literally knocked out of her. She was about to return the favor when the cold barrel of a gun pressed up against the center of her forehead.

"Drop the weapon, Songbird."

Recognition flickered in Katharine's eyes as she did as the person commanded, dropping her weapon and holding her hands up in surrender.

"I missed you, Widow," Katharine said, a goofy smile on her face. In the other room, she could hear Derek calling out for her and sounds of general panic happening on his side of the screen. "But was any of this necessary? I'll have to get my window fixed now and that was not on my list of chores for today."

Natasha holstered her weapon as Katharine turned around to face her, gripping her hand tightly in greeting. "Just had to make sure you were still on your game, Morgan."

Katharine made a face, picking her gun up from the floor and tucking it into the waistband of her jeans. She invited the woman into her kitchen, where she could now hear the voice of Emily Prentiss asking if everything was okay. Katharine popped back into the frame, letting her older cousin know that she was completely fine. "I'm good, Derek, but I'll have to call you back. Does right before dinner work?"

Derek looked hesitant to hang up after what he had just witnessed and heard but Katharine's genuine smile and subtle off-screen looks convinced him that she was going to be okay.

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