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KATHARINE HAD TO BELIEVE THAT WHAT PHIL COULSON WAS DOING WAS RIGHT. Why? Because the second May left for a quick perimeter check and Fitz became engrossed with the computer in front of him, Coulson deviated from the plan.

Did Katharine know he was going to deviate from the plan? Absolutely. Was May going to be happy about this? Absolutely not.

God, she felt like a child sneaking behind their mother's back.

Katharine glanced at her watch again. Ten minutes and twenty-three seconds. It was barely enough time for them to get what they came here for and get out of the facility.

She tapped her gun against her thigh once before turning back to check on Coulson.

"How are we doing on time?" the man asked. He wasn't stupid, he had definitely seen Katharine checking her watch every other second. It was a habit she had gotten into during missions and half the time it was the reason everything happened when it needed to happen. She kept the pace and made sure everyone got out before her.

Katharine looked at her watch yet again. "Nine minutes, forty-three seconds."

"Okay, missile defenses are almost down," Fitz announced from the other room. Katharine heard May reenter the room. Four minutes for a quick sweep perimeter check, a new record for the agent.

"Good. Where's Coulson and Katharine?" May asked. Katharine bit the inside of her cheek. She was not going to be happy when she found them.

Which she did roughly ten seconds later.

"Hey," she greeted. "We need to move."

Coulson spared her a glance. "Just one minute," he pleaded.

May gave Katharine a look between exasperated and deadly. "Come on, Phil, this wasn't the plan."

Coulson said nothing while Kathrine looked away. She tapped her watch subtly, letting Coulson know that he was almost out of time.

"Or was it?" May asked, catching onto Katharine's lack of nervous ticks. No lip-biting or leg-tapping seemed to give her away, which the older agent had deemed as odd and out of character for the girl. Of course, it could have been chalked up to the fact that she'd been undercover for the past four months but no person changed as much as Katharine Morgan had.

Coulson looked back down at the computer. A door opens on the other end and May is quick to draw up her weapon, shooting them both before anyone could do anything. If Katharine said she didn't laugh when Fitz's gun got caught on the underside of the table, she'd be lying.

"Either come with me now, or you're next," May threatened.

Katharine's hand tightened around her gun. If May shot Coulson, which she doubted she would do, then Katharine would have been forced to shoot May. But Katharine really wasn't looking to make a habit out of shooting teammates.

Coulson took the flash drive out of the side of the computer and straightened himself out. He walked away from the computer, raising an arm out in front of him, palm up. "Okay, after you."

May glared at him before turning and walking out the door, Coulson behind her and Katharine behind him.

"Fitz," Katharine called. Seven minutes and fifty-three seconds left. "Let's get a move on."

The tech genius was quick to nod and wrap up his things, reholstering his gun and slinging his bag over his head. He stood from the desk and followed May and Coulson out the door, leaving Katharine to follow.

"THIS IS SHIELD 2-1-8," May reported back to Gonzalez. "We have the prisoners and are leaving HYDRA airspace."

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