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KATHARINE HAD TO ADMIT, she looked hot in her new mission blacks. Over the years, she'd been told to wear the SHIELD issued uniform which had always been completely unflattering to her figure. But now, when she had control over what she could wear into the field, Katharine thought she looked amazing and, no, she wasn't going to be humble about it. At least not to herself.

She rejoined Coulson, who was also in his mission blacks, and walked out toward the airplane hanger. He was looking at his tablet, most likely reviewing their entrance and exit strategies, when they were stopped by Simmons.

"Excuse me, sir," she interrupted them, "but I'd like to join the mission."

Coulson glanced up from his tablet, looking over at his right to Katharine, before looking back at the brunette in front of him. "I appreciate the offer, Agent Simmons, but this is a specialized team. Agent May is there for tactical support, Fitz to disable the defense systems..."

"And who's there to look after Mike's injuries?" Simmons cut him off. "Ward? HYDRA's already removed Mike's eye. God knows what else they've done to him. He'll need a doctor, and preferably one already familiar with Deathlok's anatomical structure."

Coulson looked at the woman uneasily, hesitant to allow her on the field with them. He looked over at Katharine once again, who only shrugged as if to say, it's your team.

Coulson gave in. "You sure about this?"

Simmons nodded. "Absolutely. This is something I have to do."

"Suit up," Coulson ordered, before walking away with Katharine at his side.

After a moment, she heard Simmons follow them. Katharine allowed a smile to slip onto her face. Simmons had changed in the five months since she'd last seen her and she was sure that it was for the better. The woman was quicker to stand up for herself and was eager to prove her worth to her superiors. It reminded Katharine of herself when she was younger, which wasn't the worst comparison she could think of.

KATHARINE IS ALREADY ON THE BUS WHEN EVERYONE ELSE ARRIVES. After being stopped by Simmons, Coulson sent Katharine ahead of him to prep the bus and make sure everything was set for takeoff.

She greeted Coulson with a smile as Fitz-Simmons, May, and Ward boarded the plane behind him.

"You know, the last time I was on this plane in any type of mission blacks, it was when Simmons decided to jump from it," Katharine told Coulson, hand reaching for the panel that would close the ramp.

"Let's hope it doesn't come down to that again," Coulson joked with her, nodding his head toward the control panel she had her hand on. Katharine took that as a sign to raise the ramp.

Just as the ramp was about to close, Katharine heard a sound not dissimilar to electricity crackling come from somewhere within the ship. 

May was quick to pull out her gun, having the weapon pointed at Ward all within half a second. Coulson and Katharine were quick to follow, both training their weapon at the former HYDRA agent.

"On your knees, now," May ordered, her gun pointed directly between Ward's eyes.

Ward held his hands up in surrender, sliding his bag off his shoulder. "May, it wasn't me."

Out of the corner of her eye, Katharine sees movement coming from the catwalk above them. She's quick to refocus her aim on the figure, finger sliding the safety off her weapon. Coulson followed in her lead, body language relaxing as he realized who Katharine had her gun trained on.

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