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KATHARINE STOOD NEXT TO EMILY WITH HER ARMS CROSSED LOOSELY OVER HER CHEST, overviewing the people that had been gathered in front of them. It was time to deliver the profile and if Katharine was going to be honest, she had no idea what she was doing.

"Because the locations hit are not symbolically significant, we believe that these attacks are personal," Hotch started their briefing session with the geographic location.

Emily went next. "Understanding the significance of these locations will be the key to identifying him."

"This personal element strongly indicates a home-grown terrorist," Rossi explained.

"Like the Amerithrax case, we believe this is someone from the science or defense community," Derek said, glancing over at Katharine to make sure she was okay. She gave him a subtle thumbs-up, letting him know that she had a handle on the situation. After all, this wasn't the first time she'd gone up in front of a crowd of government officials.

"That's why you're here. We think you may know him. He may be one of us," Hotch glanced at Katharine as well, although his look told her that he wanted her to try to present the next line of information.

Katharine tilted her head slightly. She had proved herself as an agent and as a negotiator. It was time for her to prove herself as a profiler as well.

"These home-grown terrorists are myopic zealots," she said. "Ideologues that believe that their work is of the greatest importance."

She glanced back over at Hotch who looked less tense than he had the moment beforehand. She took that as an indicator that she was on the right track.

"He may have preached about the threat of an attack on America," Rossi said next and like a well-rehearsed play, Derek took up the next line.

"His coworkers would describe him as histrionic, paranoid, secretive."

One of the government agents, or the Suits, as Katharine liked to call them, stepped forward. "All due respect, but that's a little vague."

The General nodded, agreeing with what the Suit was saying. He turned it into his own question, "What are we supposed to do with something that generic?"

Hotch pursed his lips slightly, giving Katharine a bitch please, kind of vibe. "Sir, we're not finished yet. He may have logged excess hours at work in the past weeks preparing for the attack."

Emily crossed her arms. "We believe he's taken the full dosage of anthrax vaccines over the recommended 18-month schedule and had yearly boosters."

"This guy has his own workspace where he can make his product in privacy. He also has access to large, expensive, Industrial-grade equipment at work," Katharine said, lacing her fingers together. It was all she could do to prevent herself from fidgeting or showing signs of her being anxious.

"He's written about the threats of anthrax attacks, published papers," Rossi said. "Yet he feels no one is listening. And that angers him."

Derek looked around the group that consisted mainly of men. "Now, he may have recently experienced some sort of professional humiliation, Like be demoted or fired. Now, that would have been his trigger, The moment he decided to go rogue."

"And he may have betrayed his loved ones to his cause," Hotch took his turn. "He may be recently separated or divorced.

"This is somebody who knows every detail of the 2001 anthrax attack and has talked about what that suspect did right or wrong," Emily said.

"He's watching the news very closely to see how the country reacts," Derek added.

"Please share this with your departments," Hotch concluded. "Thank you."

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