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AFTER TWO MONTHS OF SLOW RECOVERY, Katharine was finally allowed back on the field. Not that she didn't enjoy spending time behind a computer screen in Garcia's tech cave, but that wasn't really her thing. Running the backends and waiting patiently for the next status update had never been Katharine's strong suit.

Her birthday had come and gone and she spent that day with Spencer, Derek, and Nina. It was a small event, she didn't even think any of the other members of their team were aware that it was Katharine's birthday.

And then Nina had made the announcement that she was permanently relocating to New York in order to be closer to the Spider-Boy, as Katharine liked to poke fun at. At least Nina's job paid better than the tech company she had been employed at for the last couple of months. She'd be able to retire within the year based on what Stark was paying her, not that Nina ever would. She liked helping people more than she liked being able to just sit back and relax.

"All I'm saying is that I know your lease is running out and I have a perfectly good place where you would only need to pay utilities," Katharine argued with Spencer over the phone. "I have a spare bedroom and my place is considerably closer to work than yours is. Plus, you can save on the metro! We can just carpool in together every day!"

"I'll think about it," Spencer said. "But for now, you should think about what you want to watch tonight."

"The Princess Bride," Katharine said with no hesitation. She pulled into the parking lot, scanning her ID before driving off in search of a parking space.

Katharine could hear the train screeching to a stop in the background and the muffled announcement that the train had arrived at the station.

"Again?" Spencer asked, moving through the crowds of people. "What's this? The third time we'll be watching it?"

"The fourth, thank you very much," Katharine got out of her car and locked the doors. She saw Garcia exiting her own car on the other end of the lot and waved. The brightly dressed woman waved back and held up a finger, locking her own car doors before making her way over.

"I'm gonna go, Garia has spotted me," Katharine said, pulling her back up onto her shoulder. "Get to work safe, okay?"

"I will," Spencer said before hanging up the phone.

"Baby Morgan!" Garica greeted, linking Katharine's arm with her own. "You excited to be back out on the field?"

"Of course, Penny G," she said, falling into step with the blonde woman. "But you know I'll be missing the Batcave."

Garcia rolled her eyes goodnaturedly. She snorted. "The day you miss being behind a monitor is the day the world ends."

Katharine laughed, opening the building's door so that Garcia could get in before her. "Okay, fine. I might not miss being behind a screen, but I will miss the constant attention my work wife gave me."

"Gotta treat my girl right," Garcia winked, scanning both Katharine's and her own ID. The scanners beeped as the little lights turned green, allowing both of them easy entry into the building.

They made their way up to the floor that the BAU was housed at, stopping by Katharine's desk before making their way into Garcia's affectionately named Batcave. Katharine dropped a bunch of her own personal items into a box that she was provided with, freeing up her friend's workspace. She picked up a polaroid picture Garcia and she had taken, observing their wide smiles and infectious optimism.

She took up a mini clothespin and clipped the picture to a wire Garcia had above her desk. She took a step back to observe the photo, hanging between a capture of Derek and Garcia and a capture of Spencer and Garcia.

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