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AFTER A FITFUL NIGHT OF REST, Katharine was ready to wrap this case up and move onto the next one. Not only had her dreams been plagued with the McHale's dead corpses, it featured the lovely recurring dreams of all her loved ones becoming dust and floating away into the sun.

So in short, her night sucked and she was ready to be home again.

Standing next to Rossi, Katharine thanked God that she remembered to pack a pair of sunglasses this time around. She looked up from the photos in hand when she heard their third partner finally stumble upon the home.

"I just heard," Spencer said, squinting into the sun. Katharine would have called him a loser if not for the situation at hand. "The unsub shot both victims last night?"

Katharine nodded. "Yeah, the housekeeper found them this morning."

"His routine was disrupted," Spencer observed. "That means he made a mistake."

"It also means he's out of control," Rossi said. "He's enraged. He's going to attack again soon."

Katharine handed him the photos in her hands accompanied by the page of descriptors.

"Paul Wilson, spinal surgeon," he read, flipping through the photos.

"Alpha male just like the others," she said, turning her head as the gurney passed them. Spencer walked up to the paramedic, holding up his hand.

"Can you just hold on for a moment?" he passed the photos back to Katharine, who passed them back to Rossi. When the older man gave him a look, all she did was shrug before leaning over Paul Wilson's corpse. "The offensive and defensive wounds all over his body."

"He was cuffed behind his back," Rossi told him. "He still put up a hell of a fight."

"Because he knew how," Spencer took a closer look at Paul Wilson's legs. "Look. The wounds extend from his knees to the soles of his feet."

Katharine held her hair back as she leaned over the man. "That's full-contact training. He's a surgeon, where would he learn something like that?"

"My assumption would be a mixed martial arts gym," Spencer said. "MMA has skyrocketed among the men who want the most intense fighting possible."

They stepped away from the body, allowing the paramedic to take his body away.

"Which our unsub would," Rossi said. "It could be where he's finding his victims."

Spencer nodded.

"I'll follow up with the families," he said, already making his way back to the SUVs. He slid into the first one, which just so happened to be the one Katharine and Rossi took to get to the house. Katharine settled herself into the driver's seat and Rossi settled himself into the back.

Once they got back to the station, Katharine beelined for the coffee machine. This would be her second cup of the day. After all, two hours of sleep would do nothing to get her through the rest of the day.

"Excuse me," someone said from behind her. Katharine apologized and moved to the side, turning her head to come face to face with one of the many uniformed officers that milled about the station.

"I'm Katharine," she said before she could even stop herself. She held out her hand, which the man reached out to accept.

"Tyler," he introduced himself, a smile on his face. He looked kind enough, Katharine decided. "Are you here with the FBI?"

Katharine nodded, adding her usual five sugars to her coffee. "Yeah, the murders of the couples."

Tyler made a face, which made Katharine laugh. She stirred her coffee a bit before bringing her travel mug to her lips. She spent the next couple of minutes getting to know the officer, exchanging numbers toward the end when she found out that he would be moving to DC within the next couple of months.

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