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THE NEXT MORNING WAS SURPRISINGLY NOT AS AWKWARD AS KATHARINE THOUGHT IT WOULD BE. She got to wake up in Spencer's embrace, which already meant her day was off to a good start.

The night before had been filled with gentle words and a tenderness that Katharine didn't want to let go of. But duty called, and there was a nineteen-year-old-girl missing. It was back to the daily grind for them.

Roughly twenty-five minutes before they were to board the jet, JJ had been called into Hotch's office by Strauss. If that wasn't bad enough, the blinds had closed, which made the entire team roughly ten times more anxious than they already were.

Five minutes before JJ had been called into Hotch's office, however, Strauss had already been there which meant they were talking about more than just whatever had to do with JJ.

It was now almost minutes past and they were still in Hotch's office, blinds still drawn and anxieties running high. Spencer sat on Emily's desk as Katharine leaned against his chest, standing between his legs. If Emily noticed they were acting more affectionate around each other, she didn't say anything.

"JJ's still in there?" Garcia asked, joining their little group. She handed Katharine a bottle of water and she thanked the technical analyst, pressing a kiss to two of her fingers before pressing it to the blonde's cheek.

"And Strauss," Emily said as Spencer reached for the bottle of antacid tablets that were sitting on her desk. "Oh, again with the dairy?"

Spencer shrugged. "Blame Katharine, she made dinner last night and I can't help it. I love dairy."

Emily shot Katharine a look of pure loathing while Katharine held up her hands in surrender.

"It's been, like, what, twenty minutes?" Garcia asked, gripping the folders in her hands tightly.

Katharine checked her watch. "Strauss has been in there twenty-five, JJ's only been in there roughly eighteen minutes."

Derek walked up to their group, his jacket draped over his arm and his right hand shoved into his pocket. "Well, five more minutes, we're in the air."

Emily frowned, setting the pencil that she had been doodling with onto her desk. "I don't think it's about the case."

"Do you know something?" Garcia asked, looking at the brunette.

"Do I know something?" Emily turned her head to look over her left shoulder.

Garcia pointed at her accusingly at Emily before pointing at Derek. "She just repeated the question. You always say that's a sign."

"Do you know why JJ's in there?" Derek asked.

Emily shook her head. " I have no idea."

"What is going on?" Garcia asked, bordering desperate.

"Maybe she asked for a raise," Spencer tried to joke, securing his arm around Katharine's waist. Katharine looked at Emily and saw her eyeing Spencer's arm.

She looked up at the light-skinned girl who just rolled her eyes, reaching out to push Emily's shoulder a little bit.

"Have his blinds ever been closed?" Garcia worried, looking between the door and the group that had gathered around Emily's desk.

Katharine straightened herself out, causing Spencer's arm to drop loosely by his side. She linked arms with Garcia and brought her over to her own desk.

"I'm sure JJ will tell us what's going on when we get on the plane," Katharine tried to reassure her friend. She opened one of her drawers and passed Garcia a sheet of parchment paper. "Did I tell you, I finally passed my Helicopter certification exam?"

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