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    KATHARINE BROUGHT THE PINK TEACUP TO HER LIPS, her pinky in the air as Morgan served tea to the other guests in attendance at her tea party. She grinned as Bucky clumsily took up the fake sugar, stirring the edible glitter into the lukewarm water the girl had served them before raising the cup to his lips as well.

    They hadn't meant to crash Morgan's tea party. Katharine had stopped by to pick up a stack of documents that would help reinstate her within the FBI while Bucky had been forced to tag along after Katharine found that he didn't have much to do that day.

    "Thank you," Katharine thanked the five-year-old girl as she refilled her cup. Katharine took another sip of water. "But Sir Bucky and I really must be on our way now."

    Morgan giggled at her faux British accent, standing from her chair and curtseying at her aunt. She dropped the teapot onto the table before rushing over, throwing herself into Katharine's lap.

    "Will you bring Uncle Spencer next time?" she asked, looking up as she laid across Katharine's thighs. "And Peter?"

    She grinned, tickling Morgan's sides before peppering her face in kisses. "Of course. I'm sure Uncle Spencer and Peter would love to see you again. I'll be sure to tell them how amazing a tea party hostess you are."

    Katharine helped Morgan back onto her own two feet before getting up herself, pulling the plastic crown out of Bucky's hair. She set it on Morgan's head, announcing her princess of the castle.

    "Take good care of your mom for me, yeah?" Katharine hugged the brunette child, leaving one last kiss on her forehead before exiting the home with Bucky not too far behind.

She slid into the driver's seat, twisting around so she could drop her bag in the backseat while Bucky climbed into the passenger's side. She adjusted her mirrors, smile falling away from her face as she pulled away from the Potts household.

"You're good with them," Bucky commented, watching as Morgan danced across the front yard and into her mother's arms. "Kids."

Katharine hummed, pushing her sunglasses up the bridge of her nose as she exited the property. She gave Happy a wave as he drove by, smiling before dropping the grin yet again. It wasn't that she didn't like the bodyguard, because she did enjoy his company, it was the fact that she wasn't particularly in the socializing mood anymore.

Being in the potts household reminded her of painful memories, ones that echoed Tony and Natasha's faces back at her. Even Nina swirled around in there at times, the thoughts of her old best friend practically haunting her at every turn.

Bucky had become her best friend, especially since it seemed Nina had completely disappeared off the face of the Earth. Pepper had said that Nina hadn't been snapped, so the possibility of Nina being lost and confused was zero-to-none. The most simple explanation was that the techie was absolutely over anything to do with the Avengers and SHIELD/HYDRA and had chosen to disappear off the face of the Earth, which Katharine could learn to respect.

But on the other hand, her attempts to search out the Puerto Rican hadn't been extensive. Especially since she almost got killed trying to enter the old lab back at the Avengers Tower in New York City. She figured that when Nina was ready, she'd come back. Katharine would give her whatever space she needed.

"Are you and Spencer planning on having any?" Bucky pried further. His hair, that had been tied back into a half-up-half-down situation, was now free of the scrunchie Morgan had put into it. "I could see you with one or eighty little ones."

If Katharine were drinking water, she would have spat it out. Her stomach churned as she thought of having children. "What's up with everyone wanting Spencer and I to have kids?" she questioned, keeping her eyes on the empty road ahead of her. "We'll have them eventually... just..."

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