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Katharine stood in front of Unit Chief Emily Prentiss for what would most likely be the last time. In her hands was Katharine's letter of resignation. After having a long talk with Spencer about what their future would look like, she ultimately decided that this is what would be best. She'd spent four years of her life in service with the FBI and the people of the United States of America and another seven years of formal service with SHIELD. Altogether, that was eleven years of nonstop running after bad guys.

Her cousin had bowed out when his son was born, Hank Morgan having been the deciding factor for the end of his FBI career. Why couldn't she do the same?

"I think I've been overdue for retirement," Katharine admitted despite the bit of doubt that still lingered in the back of her mind. "Besides, my doctor said I should slow down a bit. At least until this little one is born."

She rubbed her stomach, now being eighteen weeks long. They hadn't found out the sex of the baby just yet, having given the sealed envelope to a baker for a sex reveal cake. They'd find out at the baby shower, which Rossi had generously offered to host.

"We can offer you a sabbatical instead," Emily proposed. "And when you come back we can talk specialist hours. You come on cases that require your skillset rather than tagging along in every case. You're only thirty-one, Katharine."

A sabbatical would mean paid leave for the remainder of her pregnancy and then some. Unlike maternity leave, which was only eight weeks and not always guaranteed in the state of Virginia, she'd get the rest of her pregnancy plus thirty-two extra weeks to be at home with her kid.

Katharine bit the inside of her cheek. The plan was that she'd resign, give them their two more weeks worth of cases, and then retire into the rest of her life. Now, with this tempting new offer Emily was dangling in front of her face, she couldn't help but think about the possibilities. If she took Emily's offer, her hours on the field would be greatly reduced, only traveling with the BAU for cases that genuinely required her specific skill set.

She'd also get to slow down, which is what she wanted in the first place. If only twenty-twelve Katharine could see her now. Her past self wouldn't have even entertained the idea of slowing down. She would have pushed a baby out while taking down HYDRA agents.

A lot has changed since then. There were a lot of things that twenty-twelve her would have done, and there were a lot more she wouldn't do. Katharine didn't think her past self would have even gotten pregnant in the first place.

"Can I have the night to think about it?" Katharine asked, looking between the letter of resignation and her friend.

"Of course," Emily said, putting the sheet of paper facedown on the table. "And while you do, this doesn't exist."

Katharine gave Emily a grateful look. While she was now technically her boss, it was nice to know that she never stopped being her friend. She left her office a few moments later after confirming Emily's attendance to her baby shower. Katharine met up with Spencer at his desk, a smile working its way onto her face at his sleeping form.

After their last case, she told him that he could go home before her--that she could take a cab home after talking to Emily. However, Spencer, who was already dead on his feet, had insisted on waiting for her.

Katharine rested a hand on his shoulder, gently shaking him so as to not startle him. She massaged his shoulders slightly as he stirred, blinking the bleariness from his eyes.

"Done already?" he asked, turning so that he was facing her. Katharine let her hands drop to rest on his shoulders as he pulled her in closer so that she was standing between his legs.

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