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TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. It was now hour three in the beach cabin with Nina Hayes and Katharine Morgan was absolutely sure she was going insane. For one, Nina had completely forgotten to bring about half her suitcase. Hour one had been spent in a Target and several other local shops trying to get Nina's basic essentials.

From there on out, they had gone to an ice cream parlor in which Nina had nearly gotten into a fight with a biker gang that had very little manners. And now, in hour three, Katharine was at the Providence Police Station in an attempt to get her friend out of jail after she had defended herself from one of the men she had picked a fight with.

In all honesty, this trip was going way better than she had expected. Once, the duo had gone to Rome and Nina had landed herself in detainment within the first hour of landing. Of course, it was never her fault. Most of the time, Nina just attracted trouble.

And that was when the call came in.


"Hi, JJ," Katharine poured herself a cup of shitty police station coffee. "What's up?"

"We have a case."

Katharine pursed her lips slightly while stirring in her five sugars. She looked over her shoulder at where her friend was being questioned by the police. When Nina spotted Katharine looking at her, she waved.

"Yeah, just a little problem, Jayge."

"What's up?"

"I'm in Providence."

"Yeah," JJ said. "I know. This case is in Providence. I was hoping you'd be able to hit the ground running for us. Garcia emailed you the case files."

"Alright, I'll take a look at them," Katharine said, taking a sip of her drink. She made a face at the taste, the sugar doing nothing to mask the fact that she was basically drinking warmed up bean juice.

"Thanks," JJ ended the call.

Katharine made her way back over to Nina's side. The woman was recounting the happenings of the past hour, describing the events of the ice cream parlor in vivid imagery. She recounted how she had been waiting for her friend Katharine--she motioned to said woman--to exit the bathroom when a member of the gang had approached her. He had been flirting with her and she was ignoring his advances when he reached out to touch her. Out of instinct, she had grabbed his arm, and judo flipped him over the counter which resulted in a bar-fight styled brawl right there in the middle of the parlor.

If Katharine wasn't there herself, she would have thought the woman was making this up. But she wasn't and it was almost comical that Nina, in her five-three frame, managed to take on two fully grown men before Katharine had exited the bathroom.

SHIELD had taught them well and even if Nina was just a technical analyst, she always had to be combat-ready.

After Nina gave her statement, the officer turned to her to gain her story.

"Actually," she said, pulling her credentials out of her back pocket. "I'm SSA Katharine Morgan, FBI. I was wondering if I could speak with Detective Jake Moreland."

The uniformed officer, Officer Liddy, nodded professionally. He stood from his seat and pointed across the bullpen where a man in a checkered button-down stood talking to a few other uniformed officers.

"We'll still need to get your statement about the ice cream parlor but that can wait," the officer said. "It's a damn tragedy what's happened."

Katharine nodded, setting her cup of coffee down on the corner of the desk Nina was sat at. Surprisingly enough, Nina hadn't been extremely vocal about her getting a case while they were vacationing. She supposed it was because the case was happening in the same place they were staying but she couldn't be too sure.

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