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JULY CAME AROUND MUCH FASTER THAN BOTH KATHARINE AND SPENCER WANTED. After the explosions at Georgetown University, Katharine had been given two weeks to heal. Halfway through those two weeks, she decided that she didn't need any more time and approached Hotch with the need to get back in the field.

She explained how she had been seeing her therapist and that she would be one-hundred percent fine. Two weeks was way too long to be out of the field, especially for something as trivial as a little smoke inhalation. So what if her ribs were also a little bruised, she'd been on missions with greater injuries before.

Katharine recounted the past five months fondly. She spent the time with the team doing what they did best; closing cases and saving lives. Tony rarely called on her, leaving her alone more or less for the entirety of the five months and even came down to talk about a possible vacation he and Pepper would be taking soon.

But all good things come to an end. On June twenty-ninth, Tony had called Katharine, requesting her presence once again. She'd leave on the morning of July first and would be gone for an unspecified amount of time, as planned.

So, on the morning of June thirtieth, she took her time getting out of bed. She buried herself deeper into Spencer's arms and laid in silence next to him, listening to the sounds of his breathing. When their final alarm went off, Katharine felt him hold onto her tighter before letting go. He rolled over and shut the alarm off, exhaling deeply.

She propped herself up on her elbows, leaning on her right arm so she could reach over and lovingly run her thumb over his bottom lip.

"It's only for a month," she said, her voice soft despite having just woken up. Spencer hummed as she traced a finger over his cheekbone, following down his jawline before returning to his lips.

"Cheiloproclitic," he said, taking her hand away from his lips and intertwining them together. "An attraction to a person's lips."

Katharine grinned. Her eyes flicked down to look at his lips before returning to his eyes. She turned her head so that she could kiss the back of Spencer's hand, trailing the kisses up his arm. She pulled away before sitting up onto her heels.

Spencer followed, sitting up in bed before leaning forward and leaving a trail of kisses from her cheek to between her breasts. She would have let him continue if not for the fact that they were going to be late for work.

Katharine gently pushed him away. "We're going to be late if you keep going down that path."

Spencer groaned, pulling away from her before leaving one last kiss on her lips.

"I love you," he whispered as if it were their little secret.

She couldn't help the grin that spread across her face. "I love you too."

WORK WAS... uneventful. Of course, her last day before a month with Tony Stark was one filled with paperwork.

As Katharine sat behind her desk, finishing up the last of her files, she wondered how the team would function without her. Sure, they'd done it before, but something was different about this time. There was something in the air and Katharine was afraid to decipher it.

She finished up the last of her reports, embellishing the page with her signature before shoving it aside and smiling in satisfaction. She was done for the day with three hours to spare. Katharine looked over at Spencer, who had finished his work two hours before she had. He was thumbing through a book, flipping the page every second.

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