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As she sat on the edge of Spencer's desk, she couldn't help but worry for the woman that had become a close friend within the past seven or so months. She didn't share her worries with her team though. She figured they'd all be worried about the same thing and her voicing her concerns would do virtually nothing to benefit their current predicament.

So, as the team waited for Hotch to come back out of his office, Katharine stayed put. Derek had disappeared also, most likely to retrieve the document Emily had received earlier that day from her contacts.

She sighed as Spencer idly drew patterns into her thigh, relaxing under his touch. So much had happened in the past twenty-four hours. The amount of chaos that had been unleashed into their lives made her want to curl up into a ball.

She ran her hand through Spencer's curls, frowning at the thought of how angry he'd be when he found out what she was hiding from him. But he'd have to understand the situation she was in. Between wanting to keep him safe and her unwillingness to put the team at risk, she figured there'd be a good excuse as to why she didn't just tell him everything she knew the second Ian Doyle's name was mentioned.

Unfortunately for her, it was too late to just go spilling all her secrets now.

As she messed with Spencer's hair, she made a silent vow to him. After this, there'd be no more secrets. She'd tell him everything, no matter the cost. He deserved to know if she planned on marrying him. It was only fair.

Hotch left his office at the same time as Derek came back into the bullpen. In his hand was a single sheet of paper, which was extremely underwhelming for the amount of time they had waited for it.

"I got four names on the bottom of the list Prentiss gave us," Derek said, reading off the sheet. "Luke Renault, Lawrence Riley, Lila Rafferty, Lyle Rogers. All with the initials L. R."

Katharine kept her mouth shut, detangling her fingers from Spencer's hair. She smoothed back his curly locks before moving her hand to rest in her lap. Spencer stopped drawing shapes into her leg as well, both slipping back into being the professionals they were.

"The CIA uses cryptograms like that to assign to non-official cover agents working the same case," Hotch told them, looking at the list that Derek had brought into the room.

"So do other foreign countries," he said, reading the names again. "These last four names are covers. Spies."

Derek looked over at his cousin. It was no secret that Katharine did espionage work. Everything was, of course, classified to the public but since the collapse of SHIELD, most government agencies knew more about the type of work they actually did.

It wouldn't surprise Katharine if Derek had somehow gotten ahold of one of her former mission reports or even her body count.

She bit her lip. Eventually, she'd have to let her team know of the undercover work she did but she saw no point in showing all her cards now. Her connection to Ian Doyle was weak. He'd only go after her if she made any direct or outward moves toward him, as Nina assured her.

For now, Katharine was safe.

"Wait," Garcia said, breaking the staredown that was going on between the two relatives. "No. This isn't right. Do you see this space?" She pointed at the line of white in between two names. "That shouldn't be here."

"Could it be a formatting error?" Katharine asked, squinting at the sheet of paper in Garcia's hands.

"No, this is a spreadsheet template," the technical analyst told her. "Formatting doesn't allow for this. There's a missing name on here."

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