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Katharine grabbed her coat from the closet, pulling it on over her shoulders before wrapping a scarf around her neck. "Can you drop me off early? I have a meeting with Strauss and Tony in less than forty-five."

Katharine stepped out of the closet and watched as Spencer stumbled out of the bathroom, toothbrush hanging out of his mouth and pajama pants low on his hips. He didn't have a shirt on, per usual, and his hair was still all over the place from the previous night's activities.

"Yeah," he said before ducking back into the bathroom to spit. Katharine took up her newly packed go-bag and slung that over her shoulder before taking up her regular work bag and putting that on. "Let me just put a shirt on."

She made her way into the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar as well as her coffee mug. Usually, they'd have breakfast together before leaving but when they were pressed for time, like now, a granola bar would often do.

Spencer emerged from their bedroom a moment later, a plain white tee pulled over his slightly-muscular frame. He had his glasses on, which Katharine thought was adorable, and his hair was... better than it had been.

He grabbed the keys from the hook by the front door, Katharine leaving the kitchen a moment later with the granola bar already half-eaten. She made sure to lock the door behind her, balancing her coffee mug and her two bags.

"You're going to drop everything," Spencer teased, poking her side lightly before taking her coffee mug and work bag for her so she could properly close the door. "You should invest in a leather messenger bag, like mine."

Katharine scoffed, taking back her coffee. They made their way to the car together, Spencer throwing her bag into the backseat while she climbed into the passenger seat.

"What?" she asked, buckling up. Spencer turned the car on before buckling his seat belt. "It's not enough that I have your last name? I have to adopt your fashion sense too?"

Spencer smirked, twisting so that he could back out of their driveway. Katharine tried not to stare. There was just something so inherently attractive about the way he backed out of places that made it hard for them to leave the car afterward.

"Exactly," Spencer continued their banter as he sat back in his seat, driving off toward the FBI campus. "And it doesn't hurt that you look really good in my shirts."

He looked over at her, or rather, looked over at the shirt she was wearing. Admittedly, she had taken to stealing Spencer's button-ups to complete her own outfits. She couldn't help if they just looked better on her.

Katharine rolled her eyes, taking a sip of coffee.

"What's mine is yours and yours is mine, baby," she said, a smile on her face. The drive over didn't take long, eight minutes at the most. If Katharine wanted, she could probably walk to work every morning. "At least until you divorce me."

Spencer pulled up in front of the building, putting the vehicle in park.

"And why would I ever want to divorce you?" he asked, leaning over the center console to press a kiss to her lips. Katharine grinned as she pulled away.

"I love you," she said, putting her hand up to his cheek and kissing him again. "Oh--" she pulled away-- "Can you pick up some milk on the way back home?"

Spencer hummed as Katharine unbuckled her seatbelt. He got out as well, grabbing her bag from the backseat for her. He came around to the other side and handed the bag over, pulling her in closer by her waist for one last kiss.

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