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Though she herself wouldn't call it that, the task she was given made her into a glorified babysitter, though she couldn't complain. She would watch the Morgans, make sure they didn't do anything bad, and report back to their boss if anything happened. That was what her team required of her and she would do it.

Under normal circumstances, JJ was an excellent babysitter and everything would have gone smoothly. The team would return back with their unsub, or in this case, unsubs, and everything would revert back to normal. However, given that the circumstances were not ordinary...

Well, let's just say that not everything always goes to plan.

"What do you mean she's gone?"

JJ winced at Hotch's tone of voice. He was angry, that much was certain, but he couldn't really blame her for Katharine going missing.

Could he?

After all, Katharine had been left in the interrogation room without any inhibitors. That meant that she was free to use her abilities and since Katharine technically didn't know JJ, the gifted woman would have been able to use her abilities on JJ without feeling any remorse or guilt.

"I mean she's left the station," JJ said, standing in Katharine's empty interrogation room. "I think she used her abilities to persuade one of the officers to let her out and they did."

"Do you know how long she's been gone?" Hotch asked. JJ could hear the sirens in the background of the call grow closer to the station.

"She was here five minutes ago when I came to check on her. I left to go check on Morgan and when I returned to check on her again, she was gone," JJ explained.

"Well, we have Walker so we'll put him in that interrogation room. Coming into the station now," Hotch said before hanging up, leaving JJ very flustered and a bit annoyed at their newest member.

She knew that it wasn't Katharine's fault that she had been targeted by their unsubs but she really couldn't have just stayed put until they could have gotten back to her. Additionally, Hotch and the rest of their team, her included, should have counted on the younger Morgan being a flight risk. Especially after Morgan had done the same thing after being arrested in Chicago all those years ago.

"Good news," Reid filled her in once they had settled back in. "We found Walker and he surrendered almost immediately."

"Bad news?" JJ asked, standing across from him in the conference room.

Hotch had gone to question Walker some more and Morgan had been relocated to their location. Thankfully, Walker had been able to undo the effects of his abilities on the older man. Morgan was currently knocked out in one of the bigger office chairs.

"Bad news is that Nina Hayes was not at the apartment and neither was Erika Manning," Reid said. "Rossi and Prentiss are still there looking around to see if they can find anything useful."

JJ sighed. Katharine was officially a missing person and their team was already stretched so far and in between that everything was starting to pile up.

Not to mention that Reid was also upset with her, that much was evident. JJ, the woman who considered herself to be the closest to the genius, hated that she was the one to upset him. He hadn't outwardly shown his disappointment with the blonde but he didn't need to because she was sure her own disappointment in herself was equal to his, if not greater.

JJ didn't know the extent of Katharine and Reid's relationship but she did know that distance made the heart grow fonder. If she could tell anything from her and Will's relationship, she knew that they had probably gotten impossibly closer upon the former SHIELD operative's return.

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