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AFTER KATHARINE'S HOUR-LONG NAP, they finally arrived in Boston. While at Logan Airport, she made a break from the group under the guise of needing to use the bathroom when in reality, she was searching out one of her old lockboxes that she put in the area in case she ever needed to make a break for it. Luckily she was able to locate the metal box and retrieve her own sniper rifle, making sure to lock back up before leaving the airport.

Thankfully, no one questioned the additional bag she had on her shoulder when she returned to the group, all a little more preoccupied with the current situation to realize she had even returned.

They made their way to the Boston Police Station, exchanged pleasantries with the police captain there before getting settled into the conference room they had set up for us. Katharine kept her weapons close to her and stayed close to Hotch, who had wandered into the bullpen as what looked to be a wannabe mobster was dragged into the station by two uniformed officers.

"Who's that?" Hotch asked as the man was pulled away and into an interrogation room.

"Jack Fahey," Rossi told them. "Irish mob. He called Easter's cell phone twelve times in six hours."

Katharine blinked. Looks like the wannabe mobster was actually a mobster.

"Any connection to Doyle?"

"Boston PD says he's low level," Rossi said. "But the Irish mob has long-standing ties to the IRA."

Hotch nodded, looking off at where Fahey had been dragged away to. "See if you can get anything out of him."

Rossi nodded as well, departing from the two as Katharine's phone began to ring.

"Excuse me," she excused herself from Hotch, before taking the device from her pocket and wandering off to a more secluded area of the station.

"Morgan," she said, turning away from the general crowd of people.

"Hey, Katharine," her friend greeted before diving in. "Okay, so I looked into the HYDRA lead and turns out, he's only hired the sniper so far."

Katharine frowned. "Okay, but why would Doyle need a sniper?"

"Your guess is as good as mine. I do think the HYDRA connection is because he knows you're on the team though."

"Good to know he doesn't trust his usual brood to take care of me," Katharine said, looking down at her boot-clad feet. "Anything else?"

She could head Nina shuffling around on the other side before she answered, "No, that's it for now. The sooner you bag this guy the better though."

"Yeah, we're working on that. I stopped by the old lockbox at Logan," she told her. "I'm surprised it wasn't raided after SHIELD fell."

"Well, you do have one of the best working security for you," Nina bragged, causing Katharine to chuckle.

"I'll take care of the sniper," she said, keeping her voice low. She looked back at Hotch, who used his head to gesture toward the interrogation rooms. "I'll call if I need anything else."

"Alright, stay safe," Nina said before hanging up. Katharine shoved her phone back into her pocket as Hotch told her to go watch Fahey's interrogation. She complied with her boss's request and made her way to the interrogation rooms in the back.

"Why were you calling Clyde Easter so much, Jack?" she heard Rossi ask as she closed the door to the observation room. From where she stood, she had a clear view of Fahey's ear that had been blown off by, who she assumed, Emily.

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