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THE SECOND THE JET TOUCHED DOWN, the team separated to go off on their own little adventures. Hotch, Emily, Derek, and JJ went off to the station while Katharine, Rossi, and Spencer headed off toward the bar Kate Joyce was last seen.

"So what do we know?" Katharine asked, shielding her eyes from the sun as they walked along the wooded pathway.

"Kate Joyce comes from a stable family," Spencer told them. "She went to good schools, got good grades, has good friends..."

"Everything points to her being a total sweetheart," Rossi said, looking up and reading the bar's name.

"You don't think she is?" Katharine asked, giving up on trying to keep the sun out of her eyes. If she was meant to go blind, she would.

"I'm sure she is," Rossi said, leaving room for interpretation.

"But?" Spencer inquired, coming to a stop at the bar's entrance. Katharine stopped next to him while Rossi took a step toward the bar. He turned around to face the youngest of the BAU.

"She's nineteen," he said. "Everyone agrees--Kate wouldn't leave with those boys."

"But she did," Spencer countered.

"Yeah. But why?" Rossi asked, turning back around. He opened the bar door and held it for Katharine and Spencer to enter first. "Why would this girl, this sweetheart, take such a risk?"

Katharine was immediately greeted by a rush of cool air, a drastic contrast from the ever-growing heat outdoors.

"We don't have many images to go by," Spencer said, walking down the bar and toward the room at the end of the hallway meant for dancing and socializing.

"We saw enough to know what happened," Rossi said. "Kate Joyce and her friends moved around a lot."

"The suspects didn't," Spencer said, looking into the room. Katharine could almost imagine exactly what happened that night. "They waited for her."

"A sea of opportunity," Rossi said, referring to the copious amounts of people that would have been dancing that night. "Why was she drawn to those guys?"

Katharine tapped her pen against her thigh twice. "What if she knew them?"

"Her friends never said that," Rossi disputed. "She was only here a week."

"Well I think she trusted them," Katharine said, crossing her arms.


Katharine tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "She may have been testing her boundaries. When I was nineteen, I always did. Something about the thrill and the risk, but Kate's, unlike me, is far too cautious to just go off with total strangers."

Rossi nodded and Katharine could tell he wanted to ask more but chose not to.

"So she met them before Friday night," he said, giving her a look that told her that she'd share her stories later on.

Katharine nodded. "I don't think that would have been a documented encounter either."

WHEN THEY ARRIVED AT THE STATION, the three of them had been filled in on the fact that both of their suspects had requested polygraphs. Hotch had sent over a recording for Katharine to listen to, giving her the chance to utilize her secondary abilities.

They met up with the rest of the team in the little conference room they had been provided with by the detective on the case.

"We think Kate was comfortable with these guys," Rossi told the rest of the team. Katharine still had one earbud in, listening to Barrett's polygraph recording. A few phrases were lighting up a more yellow-ish green but she figured it was due to the medium she was listening to the tape on. This ability always was more accurate in person.

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