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    "HURRY UP OR WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE," Katharine had a scarf wrapped around her neck and a bag slung over her shoulder as she waited by the hotel room door for her boyfriend to finish doing whatever it was he was doing.

    She blew a piece of hair out of her face, looking between the watch on her wrist and the room where Spencer had dove back into last minute. He was hidden from her view due to the way the hotel room was set up, but she was pretty sure it didn't take long for him to find his glasses.

    Finally, he stumbled out from behind the wall with the spectacles in hand, reaching out an arm to balance when he nearly tripped over the messenger bag that he had haphazardly dropped there the night before.

    "Ready?" she asked, amused. Spencer slid the frames onto his face, pushing them up at the bridge while making his way to the front door. He checked himself in the mirror, his only purpose to annoy Katharine, before walking over to her and exiting the hotel room.

    "You know we told your mom two-thirty," she said, pressing the button on the elevator. She looked at her watch. "It's two-fifteen now. It'll take us at least twenty minutes to get there."

    "It's not my fault you decided to join me in the shower," Spencer said, snaking an arm around her waist. She hit his chest in offense, crossing her arms over her chest and rolling her eyes. "You know, shower sex accounts for roughly eighty percent of sex-related injuries whether it's from slipping and falling or due to the position that you're in. If it's the position, it's usually due to a person's back spasming and locking in a particular position which can lead to--"

    "Fine," she said, stopping his onslaught of information. She got into the elevator without him. "We'll just never have shower sex again."

    Spencer grabbed ahold of her as the elevator doors closed, tickling her until she begged for mercy. He stopped when the elevator doors reopened a few floors below them, kissing her as the elderly couple got onto the lift.

    "Aw," the older woman cooed, looking at Katharine wrapped in Spencer's embrace. "Remember when we used to be young like that, Earl?"

    The older man, Earl laughed wholeheartedly. He grabbed his wife around the waist the same as Spencer held Katharine and kissed her lightly. "Whaddya mean 'used to be?'"

    Katharine smiled at the older couple. "How long have you two been together?"

    The older woman smiled. "Sixty-five years tomorrow."

    The elevator doors opened in the lobby and the two couples parted ways, Katharine and Spencer toward the exit and Earl and his lady toward the casino.

    "You know," Katharine said, swinging their interlocked arms as they walked. "I wouldn't mind growing up to be like them."

    "With me?" Spencer asked, an amused look on his face. She looked up at him and beamed, bumping his hip.

    "Who else?"

    They flagged down a cab and got in, Spencer rattling off the address of the Bennington Sanitarium as they sat down. Katharine placed their intertwined hands on her lap, playing with his fingers as they sat in the cab together.

    After their minorly uneventful cab ride--save for the pigeon that nearly flattened itself into a pancake on the windshield--they finally arrived. Katharine paid the fare before exiting the cab, feeling the nerves start to spread across her body because she was about to meet Spencer's mom for the first time.

    "Relax," he said, their hands once again intertwined. "There's nothing to be worried about. It's just my mom."

    "Exactly," she hissed at him. "It's your mom. The only person more important to you than me!"

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