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AFTER AN ALMOST PAINFUL TWO HOUR JET RIDE INTO OKLAHOMA, Katharine made sure she was the first person off the jet. She kissed Spencer goodbye, telling him to behave, before heading off to the disposal sites with Emily and Derek.

Not a single word was said the entire way to the first disposal site, which was agonizing. For three people that could make a conversation out of basically anything, it felt like torture. Katharine could barely even look at Emily through the rearview mirror for fear of making things more awkward than they already felt.

The three agents met with Detective Bonner on-site, Derek being the first to leave the vehicle and Katharine being the last. She joined the group as the detective exited her own vehicle, sliding her sunglasses off her face and tucking them into her shirt.

"Detective Bonner?" Derek asked, reaching out to shake the woman's hand. "I'm Agent Derek Morgan, this is Agent Prentiss and Agent Reid."

"It's nice to meet you all," the detective said, shaking Emily's hand and returning Katharine's wave. As much as she hated to admit it, Spencer's tendency to back out of handshakes due to germs had in fact rubbed off on her.

"So what do you have, Detective Bonner?" Katharine asked, looking down the side road littered with, well, litter.

Detective Bonner offered an arm out, inviting the agents to walk with her.

"Beth's body was found over there," she said, pointing further down the street they were following. Katharine followed her direction, trying not to inhale too deeply as the scent hit her right away.

"You smell the urine?" Derek wrinkled his nose.

"I thought that was air freshener," Emily said sarcastically. Katharine held a finger up to her nose as a discreet way of blocking the scent from further permeating her nostrils. Ever since Spencer fed her the little piece of information about how smelling things actually worked, she'd been hesitant to smell anything really.

"There's drugstore food everywhere," Katharine observed, stepping over a loose Subway wrapper that fluttered slightly in the wind. "Probably because this is a homeless corridor, though."

"Abby was found in a shantytown as well," the detective let them know, coming to a stop next to where Beth's body had been found. Katharine looked around, trying to find anything else that seemed either out of place or anything that could be of use to them.

"So, our unsub hunts and travels through the areas unnoticed," Emily said, theorizing possibilities for who their unsub could be. "And he blends in with his surroundings."

"This guy's either homeless or appears to be," Derek backed her theory up.

"He most likely has a car," Katharine said, turning to look back down the entrance of the side street. She looked in the opposite direction and saw an outlet back into the main road. "In order to get them from the abduction site to here. Just because you're homeless doesn't mean you're carless."

"It could explain why he chose high-risk victims at first," Emily put in her two cents. "They were all around him."

They made quick work of the next disposal site, making the same notes they had at the first. Katharine stepped over a Subway wrapper, highly reminiscent of the previous site they visited, and hopped back into the SUV. They made their way back to the police station, Katharine following the detective as best she could.

"Katharine," Hotch greeted as they walked into the conference room area. "Take JJ and Reid with you. There's been another body found."

Katharine immediately turned on her heel, heading back out the way she came. Derek gave her a look that read good luck while Emily just looked between JJ and Spencer. It was no question that there was some tension between the two of them.

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