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THE DAY KATHARINE'S WATER BROKE WAS... for lack of better words, interesting. It started with a call that Spencer had gotten hurt in the field, the genius having left three nights before for a case that was only meant to last the day.

Of course, Katharine was furious when he had left her. They had agreed that for the couple of weeks leading up to the due date, he'd be at home doing paperwork and not going out into the field. That had changed when the BAU called him in for a case that was supposed to be quicky.

Now, all she was was worried.

Ignoring all the medical advice that said she shouldn't fly thirty-five weeks pregnant, Katharine had hopped into her jet and flown herself to California. Mid-flight, her water broke, causing her to swear multiple times as she landed the plane.

"I'm fine," she tried to convince Peter, who she had called in a panic. "I just--" she cut herself off with another string of swears as a contraction crashed into her body-- "Oh fuck. Contractions aren't supposed to start for another eleven hours. I'm not having my baby in the fucking sky."

She heard shuffling on the other side as Peter handed his phone over to Pepper.

"Katharine?" she asked, trying to see if she was still on the line. Katharine responded with a, "Yes?" She gritted her teeth together as she glanced over at the plane's speedometer. She was pushing two-thousand miles per hour, trying to get to California.

"Just breathe," Pepper's soothing voice led her through a few deep breaths. "You're going to land that plane like the badass you are and then you're going to get to the hospital where Spencer is one-hundred percent fine. And you're going to have a baby."

Katharine groaned. There were forty minutes left in her flight and she was stuck sitting in amniotic fluid while having minute-long contractions roughly fifteen to twenty minutes apart.

"Pepper, she's not supposed to come yet. It's only March first!"

"Katharine," Pepper said, appearing on the screen in front of her. It was almost like a facetime call except only Pepper was visible. "It'll be okay. Everything will be okay. Why don't you tell me about the name you settled on for your girl?"

Katharine took a deep breath, urging the plane to move faster. She suspected that either Pepper or Peter had already called medical on the other end of the flight.

"Spencer wanted to name her something nerdy like Casseiopia or some other bullshit like that--holy fuck!" Had it already been fifteen minutes? She looked over at the clock and realized fifteen minutes had, in fact, passed. Her hands gripped the steering yoke tightly, her knuckles turning white as she gripped tightly. "But--but I wanted Diana Grace, for our mothers--Pepper, I can't do this, holy shit, why didn't I have someone else fly me."

Katharine was scared, that much was evident. She hoped that they had gotten Morgan out of the room because she didn't need to see her Aunt Kat in pain like this.

"You've only got twenty-five minutes of flight left," Pepper tried to reassure her. "Just focus on getting into California safely. There'll be a landing crew ready for you when you arrive."

Katharine tried to take deep breaths, taking control of her near hyperventilation and focusing all her attention on landing her jet safely in California.

True to her word, Pepper had gotten a landing crew to help her out of the jet and onto a stretcher as soon as she landed. They allowed her to keep her phone, Pepper still feeding her words of encouragement as they drove off the airstrip as fast as possible.

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