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KATHARINE SLAMMED HER HEAD DOWN ON HER DESK, groaning out in discontent as JJ came by with another file for her to sort through.

There was no way in Hell that Katharine had managed to amass more paperwork than both Derek and Spencer combined in the two cases she had gone on with the BAU. 

As she flipped through the pages, she had noticed that the bureaucracy had spared no time in drafting up documents for her to read through and report on because she used her abilities in the field.

"This feels more like punishment than routine," Katharine complained, leafing through yet another folder that required her to detail how she utilized her ability in the field.

Derek looked up from his own folder, though the content was vastly different between the two agents.

"They're just trying to figure out the best way to handle having Inhumans working legally within the government, Kit Kat," Derek said, a frown on his face as well. "But you're right, you shouldn't have to be filling out more than one sheet stating how you did your job."

Katharine scowled, watching as Derek closed up what seemed to be his last folder for the day.

"I declare this bullshit," she said, scribbling her signature on another line. "With SHIELD, as long as I caught the dude I was home free. Everything could be written on the preliminary report and I could go home before lunch even started."

"They'll figure it out soon," Derek tried to comfort, standing from his desk. He pocketed his keys and pushed his chair in, coming around to her side of the desks. "In the meantime, do you want anything from the cafe down the street?"

"Could you just get me another coffee?" she asked, rubbing circular motions into her forehead. "Five sugars?"

Derek kissed the top of her head, saying that he'd be back in ten before leaving the offices.

Katharine flipped another page, reading through its contents before scribbling in what she needed to. She closed the folder and decided to take a mini-break from the words that now seemed to jump out at her.

She turned her head to see Emily working on her own paperwork, although she looked a lot more relaxed than Katharine did. 

Across from the brunette sat Spencer, who was breezing through his reading like it was nothing which it probably was. Twenty thousand a minute was impressive and wholly unfair to those who had to read at a mere five-hundred.

Spencer, sensing that someone was looking at him, looked up to meet Katharine's gaze. He smiled, taking his attention away from his paperwork for a moment to ask her what was up.

She squinted at him. "Are you sure you're not like... a robot or something like that?"

Spencer's grin widened, if possible. He chuckled before returning his gaze to the paperwork in front of him. He scribbled something down before looking back up and the girl.

"I can promise you that I am not a robot," he said, amusement playing across his lips.

Katharine balled up a scrap piece of paper and threw it at him, laughing as it bounced off his head and into the trash can that rested next to his desk. She raised her arms in a mock cheer, equally surprised that the ball of paper even landed in the bin.

"You're an actual child, Morgan," Emily teased, looking up from her paperwork to spare the girl a bit more attention.

Katharine provided her with a goofy-looking smile and a laugh. She turned her seat so that she was looking at the older agent dead-on before snapping and sending her two finger guns.

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