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KATHARINE MET UP WITH SPENCER AT HER CAR. He was leaning against the side of her trunk with his arms crossed over his chest, looking like an absolute dream. She didn't stop to think about it too much, however, due to what Hotch had assigned her to do.

She was flattered, really. To think that Hotch trusted her enough with this even after only working under him for the three months that she had and considering the fact that for more than half of those three months, she was out of commission due to a gunshot wound.

He must have trusted her more than she originally thought.

Katharine settled into the driver's seat, sighing heavily as Spencer sat in the passenger's seat.

"Hey," Spencer said softly. "What did Hotch want?"

Katharine sighed again, locking her car doors before inserting the keys into the ignition. She turned on her car, wincing as the music from that morning played through the speakers. Katharine was quick to change the channel, settling on some soothing classical that her mom would have approved up.

"He wanted me to administer Nathan's psych eval," Katharine revealed, taking a moment before backing out of the space and pulling out of the parking garage.

"What?" Spencer asked, just as confused as she was. "Why not Rossi or even himself?"

"That's what I asked!" Katharine said, using her blinkers as she left the FBI campus. "He said it was because of my prior experience, administering psych evaluations for SHIELD or whatever but..."

Katharine sighed again. "Spence, I've never had to perform one on someone that wasn't guilty before and especially never on a kid."

"You don't think Nathan did it?"

Katharine shook her head. She took a left, heading in the direction of her home. "I do think he's a good kid and saying he didn't do it might be premature but Nathan doesn't look like a kid that would kill. At least not right now. And sure, his innermost thoughts are a little darker than most but he just needs help and a little bit of guidance. I know I need to remain objective on this but--"

Spencer reached out and took one of Katharine's hands in his own. They were stopped at a red light and Katharine looked over at him, his face illuminated by the traffic lights.

"You know what you need?"

Katharine blew a stray piece of hair out of her face. "What?"

"A bowl of popcorn and to watch The Princess Bride for the fourth time with your favorite FBI agent," Spencer said, trying to get her to lighten up. Or at least get her to be less stressed out.

Katharine snorted and rolled her eyes. The light turned green and she looked both ways before driving through the intersection. Better safe than sorry. "If that's so, then where's Emily?"

Spencer made a noise of disbelief before laughing. "I can't believe you would betray me like this!"

Katharine glanced over to see him putting a hand to his heart, acting like the dramatic they both knew he really was.

"Oh, shut up, Spence," Katharine said through a fit of giggles. "We both know that you're my favorite FBI agent."

Katharine pulled into her driveway and killed the engine, the only light coming from her motion-activated garage light. She looked over at Spencer to find he was looking at her.

He leaned in close, a slight smirk on his lips. "Is that so?"

Katharine beamed at him, leaning in slightly before poking his nose and unbuckling her seatbelt. She climbed out of the car, laughing at his reaction. His jaw was dropped and he mocked being extremely offended at her actions.

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