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UNDER ANY OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES, being soaked in the same room as Spencer Reid would have resulted in a much different outcome than the current one. Instead of being sprayed down with disinfectant, it would have been a shower head that expelled regular water. Instead of in front of a dead doctor's home, it would have been in the comfort and safety of her or Spencer's home.

The situation certainly would not have included Derek watching through a plastic divider. It also would not have included Dr. Kimura and her assistant, if the situation wasn't already embarrassing enough.

No, this was sixteen-year-old Katharine's worst nightmare. The current predicament almost directly paralleled the moment that Derek had caught her and senior Blake Owens making out in her pool. Except for this time, Derek had more facial hair and Blake Owens had been replaced with Boy Wonder, Spencer Reid.

It really wasn't her fault that her mother hadn't told her that her twenty-three and grown cousin was coming over to watch her after his shift. But to her recollection, that was the only time in her life that she had ever been scared of the fact that her cousin was a cop.

Said cousin, now thirty-three and still growing, was on the phone with their shared boss and she was definitely no longer afraid of him. Despite the fact that he looked physically stronger, Katharine didn't doubt that she could have him flat on his ass in less than thirty seconds if given the chance.

"Ok. Yeah, they're hosing them down now. All right." She watched in discomfort as Derek wrapped up his call with Hotch. There was no doubt in her mind that Derek had also thought about Blake Owens and she could honestly do without any teasing from him.

He looked at the two of them, obviously drier than the both of them combined. There was a smirk on his face but even before he opened his mouth, Katharine stuck her middle finger up at him.

"I'll call Aunt Fran if you decide to antagonize me right now, Derek," Katharine warned, looking at him through watery eyes.

The older man held his hands up in surrender, chuckling at the fact that she had tried to threaten him while looking like she did.

"All I was going to say is that they're checking out Brown's house right now, Kit Kat," Derek said. "But if Blake Owens could see you now--"

Katharine threw her hand outward, the water that had clung to her body flung off and hit the plastic divider where Derek stood.

"Who's Blake Owens?" Spencer asked innocently only to receive a similar spray of water from the Morgan girl. He wasn't as lucky as Derek, the water hitting him in the face which forced him to turn away from the girl.

Derek seemed to be having a grand time on the other side of the divider, laughing and generally keeping the mood light. Katharine was thankful that her cousin was still here, but they had more pressing matters to attend to.

"Go help Hotch," Katharine said, sticking her tongue out childishly as Derek shook his head no.

"Hotch has plenty of people helping him," he reasoned, crossing his arms back over his chest.

"He needs you more than we do," Katharine said. She wanted to cross her arms but decided against it. She didn't like the feeling of wet clothes against her skin any more than the next person did. It didn't help that her shirt had quickly become see-through, the white button-up doing nothing to cover up the modesty of her white bralette.

"I'm going to see Reid off to the hospital and then I'm going to take you with me," Derek insisted, looking his cousin directly in the eye.

"Then call me a car or something," Katharine said.

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