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WITH THE NEW YEAR CAME A WHOLE NEW SCHEDULE. Instead of the BAU, Katharine and Spencer were spending the day at Georgetown University giving guest speeches and even holding their own lectures. While Spencer talked about criminal profiling, Katharine gave detail about actually being in the field and providing video of the team in the field.

Thanks to Garcia, she actually had an entire twenty-minute reel of the team apprehending various unsubs. Each clip was different, whether it was her teammates talking the bad guys down or even herself fighting with a particularly strong-willed unsub, every minute was carefully picked and curated by the technical genius herself.

Somehow she had managed to get a clip of her taking down a team of HYDRA agents, which Katharine figured was thanks to Nina.

At midday, Katharine found herself with a free hour while Spencer was stuck giving a lecture to a roomful of mainly women. She had laughed and wished him good luck before leaving him with a kiss. She'd wait in the library while he lectured, saying that she'd meet up with him before their last joint class of the day.

What she didn't expect was for their joint class to turn into a hands-on experience. Thirty-minutes into sitting in the library and pursuing through the stock, a man had barricaded the front door of the library and proclaimed that he rigged the building to explode.

Of course, Katharine thought bitterly. The one day they didn't have a case, one just happened to pop straight into her life.

So, as she sat against the countertop trying to get a college student to stop crying, her mind couldn't help but wonder what she had done to deserve to die. The worst thing she'd done in life was fake her own death, but even then that was only half true.

There was a theory that if an unsub's psychosis was far enough along, they could resist her ability so long as they truly believed what they were doing was right. Usually, the FBI showing up was enough to provide a little guilt which allowed ehr to manipulate their wills, but this time... something was different.

She'd managed to text Spencer an update on the situation when the unsub went to scope out the other floors. He'd told them that the bombs were motion-activated, so if anyone tried to leave, they'd all go off.

Katharine hoped no one would try to enter the building before they were deactivated. She really didn't feel like dying again today.

"Oh, my God," one of the students whimpered. "We're actually going to die. This psycho is going to kill us."

"Calm down," Katharine was quick to provide damage control. "No one's going to die. I'm an FBI agent." She took out her credentials to show the students surrounding her. Once it seemed like they were calming down, she tucked the badge back into her pocket. "We'll be fine. I texted my husband and I'm sure he's gone to get the rest of our team by now."

"Well your husband better hurry up," another student said. "This guy is insane. What does he even want?"

Katharine shrugged, putting a finger to her lips as she heard footsteps approach them. The unsub rounded the corner with two students at gunpoint. He motioned for them to sit against the wall, keeping his gun out in front of him.

"You phones," he demanded, his tone very monotone despite the obvious anger behind the words. Katharine drew her device along with the rest of the students, sliding it to the unsub's feet. He bent over, eye on them carefully as he picked up one of them. He turned it on, frowning at the screen.


"Zero-nine-five-two," replied the trembling voice of a teenager sitting not too far from Katharine. He had shaggy brown hair that reminded her of Spencers, though his eyes were brown and he was a bit smaller than her husband. His lip trembled in fear as the unsub unlocked his device, scrolling through it a bit before discarding it.

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