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AFTER THREE MONTHS OF CASES WITHOUT JJ, the snow was beginning to set and life at the BAU was getting easier every day. 

Katharine and Spencer's three-month anniversary was coming up which meant their well-earned vacation was steadily approaching. The two of them had requested time off--at least a week--so that they could make the trip out to Vegas for Katharine to meet Spencer's mom.

They had already decided on spending Christmas with the Morgans in Chicago, so it was only fair they spent a week with Spencer's family seeing as they had a case over Thanksgiving.

Seriously, who decides they want to kill with Turkey Day right around the corner? It was ridiculous.

Spencer had officially moved most of his things into Katharine's room, taking up permanent residence on the right side of the bed. The room he had been using as his own had been reverted back into a guest room where they often hosted an extremely hungover Penelope Garcia or a too-drunk Derek Morgan while their "extremely comfortable" couch would be taken up by Emily Prentiss.

Katharine exited the bathroom and checked herself out in her floor-length mirror before nodding at herself in approval. She waltzed out to the kitchen area, where she found Spencer already holding two fresh mugs of coffee, one for her and one for him.

She glided across the room to him, greeting him with a peck before taking the beverage from his hands.

He wrapped an arm around her waist, looking her up and down. "Is-is that my shirt?"

Katharine shrugged, taking a sip of coffee. "It didn't look like you were going to wear it anytime soon. Plus, I thought it would look really good with these new pants I got the last time Garcia dragged me out shopping with her."

Spencer sat his mug down on the counter behind him, wrapping his other arm around her. "It does look really good on you," he said, pulling her in closer. He kissed her, tasting like coffee and mint toothpaste (but overwhelmingly of coffee).

She pulled away, careful of the coffee mug they had managed to trap in between themselves. "If you keep going, we're going to be late."

"Hotch won't miss us," Spencer said, leaning down for another kiss. Katharine obliged, but made this one shorter than the last.

"I'm serious," she said, pulling herself out of his grasp. "Now grab your coffee. We gotta go."

"THREE WOMEN WERE MURDERED INSIDE A GATED COMMUNITY IN SOUTHEASTERN NEW MEXICO IN THE LAST TWO MONTHS," Hotch briefed them. Katharine bit her lip as she scrolled through the photos. Suddenly she was glad she declined SHIELD's original offer to place her inside a gated community.

"All three inside," Derek commented in disbelief.

Hotch nodded. "Marjorie West was strangled in her home in the middle of the night while her family was out of town," he said, clicking his remote. "They found her the next morning. Jill Long was strangled in the laundry room while her husband and sons were camping in the backyard. And last night, Aubrey Jacobs was killed in her home office while her daughter and husband were asleep in the house."

"Occupied dwellings is as high-risk as it gets," Derek noted. Katharine jotted down a few things in her work journal.

"And he's fearless," Spencer tacked on.

"Proximity, the chance he might get caught..." Emily trailed off. "That could be part of it for him."

Katharine tapped the back of her pen against her lip. "You said gated community. I'm assuming that means security?"

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