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"I'M AGENT KATHARINE MORGAN, SHIELD, and this is SSA Aaron Hotchner and SSA Derek Morgan, FBI," Katharine introduced themselves to the local law enforcement. Even though this investigation was fully under hers and SHIELD's jurisdiction, it had been decided that having the local police around wouldn't hurt. If anything, it would keep the attention away from the fact that it was a mutant case.

"Detective Laurent," the detective shook their hands. "Where's the rest of your team, agent?"

"Two of our members went ahead to the station while the other two went to Mrs. McHale's place of residence," Hotch answered for her.

While Spencer and JJ had gone to the station to get ahead on profiling the suspects and getting a hold of the media, Emily and Rossi had gone to Helena McHale's home in order to gain a better understanding of the relationships between the victims in the possible suspects.

That left Katharine, Hotch, and Derek free to go to the scene of the crime. Katharine was anxious to get inside the house, but formalities had to occur.

"I understand that this investigation is technically under SHIELD's jurisdiction, but Mary and Connor were outstanding members of this community. There's a lot riding on finding the person who did this," Detective Laurent mentioned, leading them inside the house.

"We understand," Katharine said. "The McHales were close friends of mine as well, so I can assure you that I'll do anything in my power to bring their killer to justice."

The detective nodded at her, expressing his gratitude to the younger woman. "If there's anything I can do, agents, just let me know."

"We will," Derek promised. "Thank you."

When the detective cleared the room, Katharine took a moment to take in the McHale household. Everything was exactly as they had left it, save for a few police markers and things that their killer had most likely taken. The bed was stripped of its bedding, leaving two rather large bloodstains in the mattress.

"Close friends?" Hotch questioned, taking in the surrounding area.

"Used to be," Katharine said, deflecting the question. "There are some things missing from their dresser."

The SHIELD operative walked closer to the mentioned furniture, pulling a singular glove onto her right hand. She picked up a picture frame, revealing a circle that was void of dust.

"The perfume that Mary wore sat here," she informed the other two in the room.

"The unsub's taking trophies?" Derek asked from the opposite end of the room.

Katharine opened one of the drawers and noticed an obvious lack of clothes. "Something like that. Half of Mary's shirts are missing."

"Any of Connor's clothes missing?" he asked.

Katharine opened up another drawer to reveal a bunch of polos and folded button-down shirts. "Doesn't look like it," Katharine bit her lip, "In fact, it doesn't look like any of Connor's possessions are missing."

"So we're looking for a crossdresser, maybe?" Derek asked, moving toward where Katharine stood.

Hotch came out of their closet, a few empty hangers in hand. "Either Mary liked keeping a bunch of empty hangers in her closet or someone's taken all of the clothes on her side of the closet."

"All of her clothes? Shoes included?" Katharine asked. If their unsub had taken literally every single article of clothing belonging to Mary, that meant that they would've had to have spent a lot of time in their home. They would have also had to know the times their check-ins with Marshal Callahan were, considering this was done the same morning they had a check-in.

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