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"A TOAST," Rossi held up his glass full of red. "May this be your first and only marriage. We wish you many years of celebrating life together. To Spencer and Katharine."

"To Spencer and Katharine!" their friends cheered, clinking glasses together and generally having a merry time.

Never in a million years did Katharine think she'd get married. If she was going to be honest, she thought she'd be dead in a ditch by now, not standing in the arms of the love of her life.

As she drank her wine in her husband's tight embrace, she thought of how absolutely lucky she was. And she thought about her husband--oh, how she loved calling him her husband--and how much she genuinely cared about the man.

God, marriage was turning her into a sap.

"I can't believe you're actually married. We both thought you'd have died that one time in Budapest," Nina said, hand clutching her third (maybe fourth) glass of red. She managed to pry Katharine from Spencer's grasp, eagerly tugging her toward the couches where JJ and Penelope were sitting.

"Listen," Katharine said, eyes wide as Nina giggled. "You and I both swore never to mention Budapest again."

Spencer pressed a kiss to the top of her head before relinquishing her into Nina's care, laughing slightly at the banter created by the two women.

Katharine allowed Nina to drag her over, giggling as they collapsed onto one of Rossi's many couches with their arms still interlocked.

Garcia was on her in an instant, leaning forward eagerly in her seat.

"How does it feel to be the first one married out of all of us?" she asked, practically bouncing. Her eyes were wide and she hiccuped a bit, letting Katharine know that the tech analyst was well on her way to being wine drunk.

Katharine carefully pulled the glass out of her friend's hand.

"I think that's enough for you tonight," she said, setting the glass on a coaster. Garcia groaned but let her take the alcohol away regardless. "But it feels good. Spencer and I were thinking about holding an actual ceremony once I got back from Pakistan."

That was another reason they were celebrating tonight.

After Spencer and she got back from their week-long honeymoon vacation, Katharine would be carted off to Pakistan for an undetermined amount of time with their unit chief. They figured they'd get the marriage certificate signed first so that they were married on paper, at least.

And so that they could begin to receive the tax benefits sooner rather than later.

"Wait," Garcia grabbed Katharine's hand, interrupting her thought process. "You guys are going to hold a ceremony? When?"

"When I get back," Katharine stressed, looking over her shoulder at JJ for help. The older woman grabbed Garcia by the shoulders and eased her back. "But you guys have to keep it a secret. We don't even know if we really want to hold a ceremony yet. We might just do another small gathering."

"Don't let Tony hear you say that," Nina snorted, bringing her glass to her lips. "He just about lost his shit when you told him that you didn't have any honeymoon plans."

Katharine rolled her eyes at the memory of Tony Stark nearly going batshit crazy when she told him they weren't planning on going on a honeymoon. He was the one, with the help of David Rossi, who funded and practically planned their entire trip.

Who knew Tony Stark was such a romantic? Certainly not her.

"But what's next?" JJ asked, her arm now looped with Garcia's. "Besides the ceremony that may or may not happen... what's next for the future?"

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