1. Welcome to ATL

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"It's not dangerous for you, it's far more dangerous for me. You weren't the one that was getting beaten up, I was. You didn't have the scratches or the bruises on your arms or face,  I was. You weren't the one for three years that had to hide marks on them, last time I checked. So, don't you dare tell me it's dangerous!"


"Here's the last of everything," said dad, as he grabbed the last box and moved it onto the truck.

Today is the day that my family and I, are finally moving to the infamous ATL to start are lives over. Some more than others including me. My name is Kailyn Monroe and I was born and raised here in Virginia where everything is known. I'm sixteen going into my junior year at Atlanta High, which I dread. The only reason we're stuck leaving is because of my miserable excuse of a father was promoted to a higher job opportunity, and of course mom being her agreed. She thought it would give us the chance to start a new life. I constantly beg to stay here, but of course I lost the battle.

"Come on Kaiyln, it's time to leave," said mom, as she wiped the sweat off her forehead.

As usual she over works herself. One day she won't be satisfied until she's just skin and bones. While taking a quick glance to make sure we didn't forget anything, I took my seat in the back furthest from mom and dad to just catch a break from everything. Our car ride should only consist of eight hours, but traveling with my family it's more like adding another two hours. After losing count of the number of times my parents stopped, we're face to face with a larger house than our old one. The house before my eyes doesn't even seem like something we could ever possibly say it's ours. Stepping out of the rental, we went straight to work. While dad went to grab all of the heavy boxes, and mom and me made our way to pick out the decorations. The first step into the house felt unreal. When walking in you can see a massive living area, spacious kitchen with all of mom's favorite appliances, and an empty dining room except for a dangling chandelier in plain view.

"I'll put these away, then I'm going to head out for a drink," dad suddenly said, as he dropped our luggage with our clothes in it.

Mom's face features did a quick change like she was prepared to say something but thought differently, "Really Carter, we literally just stepped foot into this house and that's what you're thinking about. Could you just think about your family first and the bottle last?"

"Don't start with that sh*t Maya, I'll be back before you know it, dang."

Dad grabbed his keys while walking out the door, leaving me and mom alone.

"I swear that man gets on every last ounce of nerves that I have. Can you start without me, I need to take a shower?"

She didn't give me a chance to respond before she left going up the stairs to her room. That wasn't anything new that's just how my family is, but I didn't have time for either one of them. Mainly, because I only have two days before my first day of high school. My family and this house are the least of my worries, since everyone knows that being a teenager helps to complicate your life. I'm nothing like your ordinary girl, nor am I one of those popular-stuck up girls. In fact, I'm the very opposite making me a nerd at heart and who barely talks and only when spoken to. The only thing that interests me in this life of mines is writing every now and than. When my life seems to be going in the wrong direction, I turn to writing and hope that it gives me the right answer.

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