3. The Start of Something...pt.||

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Fast Forward To The End of The Day:

My day so far basically consisted of me taking a bunch of notes and getting the feels of everything. Finally it was time to eat and my stomach felt way too empty. The oatmeal from this morning didn't last too long. Since I always pack my lunches, I decided to eat my lunch at table near the back of the cafeteria near the exit sign. While trying to enjoy my favorite snack consisting of gold fish, I could feel stares behind me.

"What do you think you're doing sitting in our seat?" asked one of the girls from my first period class with her arms folded.

Even though I consider myself the queen of come backs I wanted to take a different approach, since I'm new girl here. I could feel my face turning sour, so I left the room while huffing. As soon as the last bell rung for the day, I can't help but to be happy to go home, or so I thought.

At home:

Turning my key into the door, I can hear the tiny cry for help from mom. I can hear my heart racing from panic, as I walked to mom. Her body was crouched down in a huddle by the stairs, while her hands held her face. Slowly, mom's face stared right back at me as I began to exam her features. Her face showed on one side the color of deep purple and the other side was bright red.

I nervously muttered, "Are you okay?" I can't stand him. I really can't stand him. I really can't believe after all these years nothing is going to change with them.

"I'm fine, Kaiyln. It's just your father being in one of his moods. I'll be fine. I just need some ice," she said as she made her way to the couch.

Grabbing her what ice was left, I walked to grab a rag from the closet and soaked it with cold water. I handed the rag to me before whispering, "Mom? Why do you have to keep dealing with this? Why can't we both just leave him here and move again?"

Mom sighed, "We both know that it's not that simple. I just told you that I'm fine. He's leaving anyway for the weekend, so there's no need to start your lecture." She grabbed her keys and sunglasses , then turned back to me. "I'm going for a walk."

A sigh left my mouth as I took small steps up to my room. I felt sorry for her because this is something that would always happen after one of their arguments. She would just take the abuse and act as if nothing happened, while trying to cover her bruises with makeup or sunglasses. She would leave for weeks leaving me alone with my donor.

Hearing the front door slam, I made my way to my window to see dad carrying his duffel bag out to his car. I can barely remember a time that my family was happy instead of arguing, but I guess only fairytales happen in the books or movies. I wish mom would see her worth but I can't help someone when I need help myself.

Two Hours Later:

I can hear mom softly tip-toeing in her room. Her door barely made a sound as it shut. The walls in this house are so thin that you can pretty much hear just about anything. I crept to my door hearing mom sniffling and taking small breaths each time she would sob. I can feel my own tears making a path down my face. The rest of the night, I just continued to having this feeling that something bad was about to happen.

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