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I rolled over lazily with my eyes still closed as I traced the annoying sound. I managed to turn off the alarm clock. Wth? Didn'I just fall asleep.

I opened my eyes and looked around at my surroundings and saw that I wasn't in my room. I started to panic a little but then I remembered I was in Harry's bed. A small smile crept over my face.

Just then, Harry walked it to the room and towards the direction of the clock.Speak of the devil.After fiddling with it for a while, he put it down and said.
"I'm sorry ..I forgot I didn't put off the alarm"

I yawned"Good morning to you too"

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" He smiled.

"Yes ..I did. Till I was awoken by that- wait! It's 5.30??" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah genius" he chuckled.

"Who wakes up at 5.30am on a Saturday??" I quizzed.

"Me. I need to work out. This doesn't appear by magic you know "he motioned towards his body.

"Uhh..well..in that case... "

"In that case you look a mess" he said.

I gasped at his bluntness but then I remembered I hadn't bathed or even brushed my teeth.

"Well you don't have to say it like that" I got out of his bed ,reached out for my phone and noticed so many missed calls from dad and a couple of texts that he wanted to talk.

"No no no. I didn't mean that..I was just messing with you I promise" he closed the distance between us.

I laughed. "You really like being close to me oo. I know I'm attractive but-"

"That I won't deny"he interrupted.

"Aww I'm flattered" I said in my best British accent.

"Oh please I can do better than that" he said with a matter-of-fact voice , also in a British accent.

"I must say I'm impressed. We could pass for an old British couple" I joked.

"Oh please I would believe the in love part not the British part. You couldn't pass for British even if your life depended on it "

I gasped dramatically." Oh no you didn't" I rolled my eyes

"Oh yeah I did. What are you going to do about it"he challenged

I smiled "As much as I'd like to continue this..I have to brush my teeth and meet my dad. So do you or do you not have an extra toothbrush?"

He provided a new toothbrush and showed me the bathroom. While I brushed my teeth, observed myself in the mirror.

As I was fixing my hair when  I heard from behind the door"You know, I wasn't joking about the in love part." Harry said

I smiled.

"When are you going to finally let me make you mine?" He asked.

I opened the door, smiled and motioned with my index finger for him to come down to my height so I could tell him something. He did so and I placed my left hand on his chest and my right hand near his ear like I was going to tell him a secret.

"Keep asking. One day you might just get lucky" I kissed his cheek gently and turned around to leave, leaving him staring after me. I heard a low amused 'damn' as I walked out and made sure to add a little extra sway to my hips.

"Won't you eat anything?" He asked as I was about to turn the doorknob to leave.

"Don't worry about that,I'm not hungry. I have to go now... thank you for letting me stay here"I replied

"Lemme at least drive you home" he suggested.

I laughed"Oh Harry you know it's not that far..I can walk. I'll text you later. Thanks again!" I waved him goodbye and left.

The clock on the wall read 6.15am when I got home. I nearly ran into Dad as I entered the hall.

"Oh Serena! You're here. I was just about to leave for your campus" he said.

"Well I decide to come here instead" I replied. If Harry had stalled me any longer, dad would have left and I'll be real trouble if Adjubi told him I didn't sleep there last night.

"Please sit and let's talk"

"I'm sorry about yesterday honey. I wasn't in my right mind and i apologise for my actions" Dad started immediately I took a seat across him.

"It's okay da-"

"Are you hurt honey?" He interrupted.

I pointed to the band-aid"It was just a little scratch but Ha-..I cleaned it up"

"Oh honey I'm so-"

I cut him mid sentence"Dad, it's okay..really. But you need to tell me why you were drinking so much..why you got so angry"

"Honey...I..I can't" he replied.

"Yes you can and you will" I told him.

He swallowed"It's just..you remind me so much of her"

"Of who? Mom?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

He nodded.

"Why are you mad at her? Are you guys fighting or something?" I asked.

He shook his head no.

"Then what dad?"


"She's what?"

After what seemed like eternity, he spoke up"she's cheating on me" he said sadly.

"What? Mom? No no way...dad are you completely sure??" He just nodded.

"But mom would never..mom loves you" I argued.

"I thought so too till I saw it with my own eyes" he replied with a dejected look in his eyes.

"I didn't want to tell you cause I didn't want to you to hate her ..it's between me and her..she's still your mother"

"I don't even want to talk about her anymore before I say things I'lk regret" I felt myself getting angry.


"Dad..let's focus on you. I'm spending the whole day with you. No more drinking. The only alcohol I'm allowing you around is sanitizers and they're not even edible. I can't have you suffering from liver problem especially not because of that woman" I changed the topic.

"Serena, she's still your mother and you'll respect her as such" he warned.

"Lemme get to hiding those bottles now" I stood up, ignoring his comment.

No mother causes this much pain.

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