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"And so you guys actually switched places. That's so cool." I exclaimed after listening to Cyril tell a story about him and his twin and their naughty days back in shs.

"And no one suspected a thing" he laughed.

"I've sometimes pictured how my life would be if I had a twin" I told him as we threw our empty coke cans in a nearby trashcan.

"Two beauties? God would be blessing my eyes sisterrrr!" He exclaimed excitedly causing me to hit his arm playfully.

"You play to much" I told him as he threw his arm around my shoulder. I gave him a look and he winked.

"I know you have a man shorty" he laughed.

"I'm not short!" I exclaimed.

"Yes you are..it's not up for arguement" he rested his elbow on top of my head.

"You are lucky I don't feel like arguing this evening. Why are the streets so dark anyways?" I replied as we approached the gates of the estates.

"These damn street lights are dead I guess..there's light inside though" he pointed ahead.

"Mhm..anyways, do you want to hang out with me again another time." He asked me.

"Cyril, I like hanging out with you but you know I have a man and we've been hanging out a little too mu-" I started.

"Serena, I'm not asking you to marry me..relax. I just like spending time with you. Is that so wrong?" He asked.

I shook me head "Well, when you put it that way, not really"

"Or you don't enjoy my company as much as I do yours?" He asked sadly.

"No,no. I do,honestly." I admitted as patted his bicep.

"Hey,can I ask you something?" He asked stopping us in our tracks.

"Shoot" I shrugged, putting my hands in the pockets of my grey hoodie.

"So...just asking..if we had met earlier and if you didn't have a boyfriend right now..would we..uh..would I have a chance with you? Honestly.." he rumbled nervously.


He stopped in front of me so he was towering over me and looked me in the eyes "Just be honest with me..I can take the truth no matter your answer" he assured me.

I was about to answer,but the next series events that took place went on so fast and I had never been so scared before my my whole life.

A tall bulky man with a black  mask covering his whole face except the eyes run up to us from God knows where and grabbed my arm roughly pulling me unto his chest with a small knife pressed against my throat. My eyes were wide open in fear and Cyril's were too.

"Keep still or you'll die" the man said in my ear. I was so scared at this point I didn't even want to breath normally for fear of hurting myself because of the proximity of the knife to my throat.

"Boss boss, I beg calm down" Cyril begged with his hands in the air.

"Give me all your money or else your girlfriend will die" the man threatened. I felt myself about to break down, tears welled in my eyes. Cyril glanced at me like he could feel my fear,nodded and began to take out his wallet.
He threw it on the ground beside the man's feet before the man left me to pick it up. I used the opportunity to ran into Cyril's outstretched arms. He wrapped his arms securely around me and patted my back reassuringly as a few tears slid down. I tried to control my shaking..I was still too scared. All this while, the robber was emptying Cyril's wallet of all the money with his eyes still on us and the knife on the ground. When he was satisfied, he threw the wallet back at Cyril. As Cyril bent to pick it up, the robber stood..struggling to keep his balance too, he seemed a bit drunk. He said to me "You too, give me your money!"

"Th-this is all I have on me r-right now" I replied as I handed him a 100cedi note with trembling hands.

"Give me your phone then!" He barked. I felt Cyril becoming angry as he stood beside me.

"Boss, listen-" Cyril began.

"Shut up! Either the phone or her body. She's pretty too..such a shame if I rape her" Cyril tensed up and his words and grabbed my arm tightly ,pulling me behind him

"You're not going to touch her bastard" Cyril shouted at him.

Infuriated by his outburst, the robber lunged towards Cyril and in one swift move, drove the knife into his abdomen and pulled it out before he took off running. Cyril screamed in pain and held the spot in pain as he collapsed unto the ground. I knelt by him and held him against my chest, I  hurriedly took off my hoodie and used it to cover the wound. He was losing blood and fast!

"Cyril ,Cyril stay with me" I tapped his cheek gently trying to prevent him from closing his eyes.

He coughed and groaned in pain and barely managed to get the words out "C-call y-"

"Shh don't talk..I'll call my dad okay. Just breath and don't close your eyes" I begged him. I took my phone out of my pocket and even struggled to dial my dad's number because of the tears dropping unto the phone screen..I knew he was at home and was a better option than an ambulance . I told him to come out to get us and that Cyril had been stabbed.

Dad arrived in less than two minutes and helped me get Cyril in the backseat while he drove to the hospital. I rested his head on my lap with one hand caressing his face while assuring him he would be okay and the other pressing down the wound.

By the time we got to the emergency ward, Cyril was unconscious. As I cried, I prayed that he would be alright. They say just have faith right?

Lemme leave this here..
A friend of my told me..well i'm paraphrasing cos i can't remember the exact words...
"Still pray..it doesn't matter how dirty you feel, God will still listen. It's like saying you are dirty so you won't take a shower.

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