
19 3 1

"Serena I'm sorry. I'm sorry for acting like a complete idiot yesterday. I was just j-uh just jealous" Harry apologized the minute I stepped out of the house. He had come to see me very early (around 6.30am) because he needed to go to work.

I zipped up my hood and wrapped my arms around my body before looking up at him. "I forgive you. I realized I would also be mad if you had attended a party instead of picking me up and without telling me too. But what happened to trust? You should be able to trust that I wouldn't do you bad like that"

He nodded as I spoke "I do trust you"

"Didn't seem like it yesterday" I replied

"Look, I just want us to move on from this okay? I trust you and I don't want to lose you" he admitted

"I want us to move on too" I told him.

He smiled  "It's settled then"

Just then, his phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out to look at the screen and then turned back to me.

"I have to get to the hospital now. I'll talk to you later ok?" He told  me before kissing my forehead lightly

I nodded sharply and than he turned to leave. He was about to get to his car when he turned back all of a sudden and asked with a guilty expression on his face "How's your wrist though"

"Don't stress, it's okay" I rotate it slightly to show him it was fine.
"Friendly reminder, never touch me like that again"

"Cross my heart" he replied as he did the sign and then got into the car. He waved at me before speeding off. Smiling, I walked back into the house... glad that drama was over.

"Did he put his hands on you Serena??" Riley asked the minute I entered, causing me to jump a little

I put my had on my chest "Ah what is wrong with you..you scared me!" I semi-yelled.

"Just answer the damn question...and don't lie to me I heard you"
She said in a stern voice

"If you heard the answer why are you asking me then?" I retorted.

"So it's true then? And you're forgiving him just like that? Serena, come on. ..these are signs of a toxic relationship" she replied

I put one hand on my waist "oh relaxxx...why are you exaggerating.  He didn't slap or hit or beat me... jeez"

"It's only a matter of time. I know you're a wise girl  Serena..don't allow yourself to become a punching bag" she advised before walking away.

I shook my head and went to fix myself some breakfast.
I was rinsing my cup after eating when my phone rang showing that Nhyira wanted to face time. I wiped my hands on a napkin before answering.

"Girl! Come with me to Pizza hut??" She yelled once I picked up

"Okay..this is serious.  Do you have no food at home? You're always going out to eat. I can lend you some food if you don't mind" I smiled sarcastically.

"Ha ha very funny you deserve the comedian of the year award" she retorted

"If I'm going You're paying.  Deal?"

"Deal" she replied almost immediately..leaving me shocked.

"Okayyyy..something is definitely going on if you're agreeing to pay" I said.

"Would you stop being so difficult jeeeezzz" she rolled her eyes playfully

"I have to Kofi to the dentist today so I can only stay like 2 hours tops" I told her.

"Alright..that's enough time. See you!" She hang up immediately

Ah what time exactly?? I shook my head . I'd ask her through text.

"Call me when you're done" I told Kofi as he was about to get out of the car.

"But mummy said you'd stay with me" he protested

"I know I know..but I have to meet Nhyira right now...it's very important" I explained

He just nodded and got out. I made sure he entered the building  before making my way out and heading towards pizza hut.

Once I parked in the lot, I took out my phone and called Nhyira to find out if she was there yet. She replied yes and so I made my way in. I quickly spotted her when i entered. I mean how could anyone not spot such a strikingly beautiful young lady with blonde braids! Yes..my friends and I are nice 🤣🤲

Yes...people too were staring at me. Why, you've not seen halfco before hoh.

"You better start explaining. If my mom finds out I'm not with Kofi, I dead. Spillllll" I informed her immediately after sitting down

She laughed a little "Relax er. I ordered coke for you...the pizza too will be here soon"

"Yes, yes thank youuuu.  So..... ?"

"Cecil kissed me" she whispered shyly

"Eiiii!!! OH MY GOD AWW!" I exclaimed excitedly before she covered my mouth with her palm.  "Will you shut uppppp" she hissed with a hint of annoyance in her voice as she looked around to see people starting to stare

"Sorry sorry" I apologized before continuing "Tell me everything..how..where-"

"I'll tell you all that later....I have a date with him in a few hours and I need your help"

"I knew you weren't dressed up all cute for me" I feigned hurt

"Girl shut uppp" she laughed

"Of course I'll help you. This will be your best first date everrrr" I  said getting hyped up.

We spoke about so many do's and don'ts as we at out pizza. They were going to see a movie so not much work there.

After we were done, Kofi called me to tell me he was done at the dentist's. I wished Nhyira best luck before I left her to pick him up.

"Buy me kfc chicken or else I'll tell mummy you left me alone at the dentist's" Kofi said out of the blue as we were heading home.

"How old are you? 6?" I replied sarcastically

"Just buy the chicken woman" he demanded

"Jeez chill fine. Only because I want some anyway"

A big apology for the huge time gap!🥲🙏

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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