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Please read the the previous chapter if you've forgotten what happened so far because of my long break. I sincerely apologise for that loves.💕

The next week

I was currently in a pair of tights and a tank top as I checked on the rice I was cooking after getting back from lectures. I was alone as Adjubi hadn't yet come back. A knock sounded on the door and I frowned as I read the time on my phone. It was almost 6pm and I wasn't expecting anyone and I didn't know if Adjubi was either. I lowered the fire under the pot and  went to open the door.

His hands froze in mid air when I opened the door..I guess he was just about to knock again.

He cleared his throat nervously and smiled at me. "Hey"

"Hey. What are you doing here?" I wondered.

"I wanted for us to talk. I'm sorry for not calling before but do you want to go for icecream?" He asked.

I laughed softly "Harry do you know the time?"


"Don't you think it's a little too late for ice cream? Besides I'm already cooking some rice ...why don't you join me rather?" I suggested.

"Serena I can for us to talk..but not to get food poisoning. I mean how will it look to be hospitalised in my own hospital for food poi-"

"If you don't shut up I'll shut the door in your face" I threatened.

"Fine fine I'll stop" he laughed, causing me to laugh along.

We both fell silent and he stared intently at me.

"What?" I smiled.

"I missed that" he surprised me by saying.

"What?" He was confusing me by the minute.

"I missed your smile..your laugh..I missed you" he admitted.

I rolled my eyes playfully trying to hide my smile. "Oh come on in and stop being cheesy"  I replied as I pulled him in and shut the door. He sat down on one of the chairs by the study table and I began walking past him to sit on the other chair when he pulled my unto his lap and trapped me.

I smiled shyly. "Just so you know, I missed you too"

"I know" he shrugged nonchalantly.

I smacked his arm causing him to cry out in mock pain.

"I wanted to apologize for my behaviour the last time you were over at my house. I'm so sorry I let my anger get the best of me. It wasn't my intention to...I'm glad everything is sorted out now though. Can you forgive me😢" he said taking my right hand in his while his other hand secured me on his laps.

I nodded "Of course I forgive you Harry..I understand what you were going through and I'm sorry we allowed Lisa to bring pain into our lives. I'm sorry I fled when this problem came by instead of standing by your side no matter what."

"Naaa..it's not your fault...I would have freaked out too if my girlfriend had a child somewhere else too" he admitted truthfully.

I nodded. "True."

"Hey can we just start over again? Like put all of this behind us.." I asked.

"I'd like that...a lot" he replied smiling like he had won the jackpot.

I caressed his face slowly and kissed his cheek lightly.

"Hey hey please why?" He tried to act agitated.

"Why what?" I was honestly amused, he was such a bad actor.

"Why are you kissing me? Are you my girlfriend? Last I checked you broke up with me and now you're kissing me" he cried out.

I burst out laughing. "Oh my God you're so petty jeez. Yet I'm sitting on your lap..isn't it only your girlfriend who can do that?" I challenged.

"Nopeeeee" he teased.

I raised my eyebrow dangerously. "Oh really?"

He nodded.

"Oh okay..I'll just get up then " I smiled and attempted to get up. Of course Harry was fast enough to stop me by pinning me firmly to himself and burying his face in the crook of my neck.

"Harry let me go" I cried out as he tickled my sides.

"Not until you propose to me" he replied.

"What?" I burst into laughter again. "You're so ridiculous Harryyyy"

"I'm dead serious Miss Kennman." He said with a straight face.

I sighed, my sides hurting from all the laughter and the tickling.

"Okay Harry...I'm sorry for breaking up with you will you be boyfriend again?" I asked.

"If that's how unromantically I proposed yo you would you have said yes?" He laughed in unbelief.

I rolled my eyes and started again "Okay Mr. Quaye I never dreamed of proposing to a guy ever in my life but look at me here with you" I said solemnly and stood up to face him directly while taking his hands in mine and looking into his eyes.

"But that's the thing with you...life's full of surprises when I'm with you. Time seems to fly when I'm with you. I'm always happy when I'm with you and that's why I want to be with you. And also because I love you" I finished by wrapping his arms around my waist and placing my hands on his shoulders.

"Aww ,see you made me cry" he wiped away a fake tear causing me to laugh. He was always full of jokes.

He surprised me by kissing me gently.

"I love you too Serena" he said while hugging me tightly.

After a while,he sniffed noisily "Do you smell that?" He broke away from me slowly. My eyes widened in realisation. "The rice!!!" I screamed as I dashed into the kitchen area.

"Oh no oh no oh no" I cried out as I inspected the burnt rice..luckily it was just the underpart that was burnt badly.

"Well, will you look at that...you did want to give me food poisoning after all" he laughed.

"It's not funnyyyy" I said in frustration.

"Come on...let's go get some drive through kfc" Harry suggested.

"I'm still getting that ice cream though right?" I asked with a smile.

"What ever you want my love" he winked.

"Lemme change real quick" I told him.

He nodded. "I'll be in the car" he said before leaving me to get dressed.

I grabbed the shirt I wore earlier that day. It was just drive through right? No need to get all dressed up. I wore my hoops, sprayed some perfume and slipped my feet into my slides and locked up before meeting Harry in the car.

"Tell me how I got so lucky" he commented the moment I sat down in the passenger seat.

If I was a little fairer I would be visibly blushing right now.

"Oh stop exaggerating" I smiled.

"I feel like that one direction song..er that one..you don't know oo oh you don't know you're beautiful"he sang "I feel it was made for you" he told me as he put the car in reverse.

Ei what have I gotten into again😂

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