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In a just couple of days, Cyril and I were texting like we'd known each other for years. We actually had a lot in common in terms of music we liked, movies, series, even brands of sneakers we wore. At first, I wanted to ignore his message but then, I figured why not? I had gotten Cecil's number for Nhyira and she was overjoyed.

He had younger twin sisters too. I guess twins run in the fam. Cyril was in all the oldest of the children in his family, I guess that's where his maturity stemmed from.

Cyril was going to his third year at UG, Legon just as I was going to my second. He was doing Computer engineering so I wasn't surprised that we hadn't ever met before.

Back to my actual love life, Harry and I facetimed and texted everyday since he got there. He seemed to be having a good time and I was happy for him. I pray I get such opportunities like him when I reach his level.

The next week

I'm not really a party person, but Nhyira was and she invited Yaba and I to go to her friend's house party with her that Friday. I really didn't have anything to do at home so I agreed to go. After all, it was just a party ..and I was safe with my friends.

Yaba did my eyebrows as I decided what earrings to wear. She had come over to my house so we could get dressed and Nhyira would pick us up in some minutes. I finally decided on a pair of silver hoops and my look was complete.

Nhyira picked us up when we were done and we headed over to her friend's house. It was a beautiful house at East Legon and the party was already in full swing when we arrived. We took a couple of snaps and posted them before sitting on one of the sofas. Most of the people here looked a few years older and a few were my age but I didn't mind..after all, Nhyira's friend, Martin was a year older than us. I spotted some popular faces around campus, some from instagram and some I knew in other ways; like George, Kennedy's friend, Umar, Twumwaa etc.

After a few minutes, Nhyira disappeared and Yaba and I went to get some drinks. I spotted Kennedy in a corner talking to a very pretty girl. I realised I hadn't spoken to him since that incident at his birthday party and just wanted to say hi. So I walked over to them.

"Hi! Excuse me." I told the girl he was with. "Can I talk to you real quick?" I asked him.

"Is this your girlfriend?" The girl asked him as she looked at me from head to toe with a nasty look on her face.

Ei sis relaxxxx

"No, no, just a friend" he explained to her before she nodded and left.

"So I just wanted to say hi since you know ...we haven't talked since your birthday party. Wanted to make sure everything is cool" I started.

"Yeah no worries" he simply stated before sipping on his drink.

"No bad blood?" I asked with a hand stretched out. He drew me into a quick hug instead and whispered into my ear "Of course not. You are replaceable you know? Yes, you're pretty but not the prettiest girl out there. Why stress over you when I can get prettier girls"

He stepped away from me "I have to get back to that girl now" he smiled and walk away in search of her.

I frowned at his disrespect and bluntness. I guessed he really had changed and was finally over me. The first option saddened me a little and I was a little happy about the second.

I needed to compose myself..no matter how I tried to pretend, his words got to me. All I wanted was a nice night out. I asked for directions to the nearest washroom and made my way upstairs, ignoring all the guys that tried to talk to me. I closed the door before walking over to the mirror and putting my small bag on the sink. I looked at my image in the mirror and spoke to it out loud "You're not going to let that moron ruin this night for you"

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