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I was arranging my closet when I found my matriculation dress. The memories came flooding back as I touched the designer dress. A smile found it's way to my lips as I remembered how Harry surprised me that day.


I sat by Adjubi as we listened to one speech after another. I was bored already! After some time, we were called to say our oath blah blah..you know what happens at these things. So then finally, I was officially a med student!

My friends and family came around to support. Mom didn't come of course because she was on one of her many "business" trips. Harry had a flight to catch that day so he couldn't make it. He had tried to make it up to me by staying up all night with me telling jokes, being cute and alladat.

After about 20 minutes of interacting with the people around me and a whole lot of pictures, my phone vibrated in my hand letting me know I had an incoming text. I noticed it was from Harry.

Harry👀:That shade of blue looks amazing on you.the text read.

My mouth opened and closed in shock. I was surprised at how he knew the colour of dress I was wearing cos I didn't tell him and I hadn't posted on social media yet.

Serena🔥: How do you know what colour my dress isss???

Harry👀: And those shoes too! They look good but damn..don't your feet hurt already?

Serena🔥: How do you know all of this..

Harry👀: I have my ways *wink*

Serena🔥: Harrrryyyyy

I noticed his name because he was calling. I wiped to pick up the call in a haste.

Harry👀: Serenaaaa. By the way,you really look nice.

At this point my head was moving all sort of directions as I tried to look for him.
"Serena, are you okay?" Kennedy asked.

I laughed awkwardly "Yeah of course"

I took a few steps away from the group and hissed into the phone. "Now you got me looking like mad woman. You better tell me where the hell you are!"

He chuckled. "Look straight ahead. You see the big tree that's-"  I stopped listening once I noticed him. He was leaning on the tree with a big smile on his face. He was dressed in a designer African print men's shirt and some classy shoes. It was hard to be mad when he looked so good.

"You came!" I screamed and hugged him tightly. His arms felt warm against my body as he hugged me back.

"Yes..after all you can't hug ghosts" he chuckled.

"Ha ha funny. But I thought you had a flight to catch...what are you doing here?" I asked him

"It got delayed so it'll leave in the evening. And since I'm already ready I decided I'd rather spend my last day here" he flashed his award winning smile.

I smiled harder " Well..when you say it like that it almost sounds romantic.. I'm really glad you came" I wiped a fake tear from my eye dramatically.

"You're such an actress." He shook his head. "Glad I could be here. Congrats" he said taking my hand in it and kissing it softly.

That gesture alone had butterflies running a marathon in my tummy.

"Aw thanks Doctor Harry" I cheesed.

"Now that makes me feel old" he joked.


I heard someone clear their throat behind me. It was Kennedy. "Serena? Everyone is looking for you..you just disappeared"  He had walked up to us.

"Oh shoot, I'm so sorry. I got a little distracted"I told him.

"She's safe man don't worry about it" Harry said.

"And who are you again?" Kennedy asked. I knew he remembered him and he was just being petty.

"I'm Harry. And the last time we met you were harassing Serena" he replied,earning him a dirty look from Kennedy.

"Oh but it's all fine now" I assured Harry."Uhh..Ken, why don't you go tell everybody I'm fine?" I asked Kennedy.

He hesitated a bit and then lowered himself to my height. "I'll have my eyes on you"  he joked. His breath felt so ticklish against my skin and I couldn't help but laugh a little. Then he left after casting me a smile.

The look on Harry's face was not a friendly on at all. I gave him a 'what? face' and he just shrugged.

"I have to go now" he announced with a blank face.

"But you just got here and you said you wanted to-" I began.

"I forgot I have to take care of some minor details. But I promise, I'll call you" he smiled.

"You really are bipolar oh gosh!" I exclaimed.

Harry laughed a little before hugging me and whispering in my ear. "I've been told that many times. I guess I just like King Promise, I'm selfish..I just don't like to share"

With that, he walked away leaving me staring after his retreating back.

And what the hell's that supposed to mean?😂


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