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"Serena-" he was interrupted my the ringing of his phone. Harry hurriedly took it out of his pocket and declined the call before turning his attention fully to me.

I look at him wondering what he was possibly going go say.
"So can we talk about what you saw?" He asked.

"What did I see?" I asked innocently.

"Oh come on..I know you're acting this way because you saw the box of condoms in my drawer" he told me

"Opened" I corrected him.

"Yes opened. I-" Once again, a sharp knock  at the door interrupted him.

He ignored it and began to speak when another knock quickly followed.

"Yo Harry! Come on let's go ..we're getting late" a male voice shouted from behind the door.

"Adey come!" He shouted back.

"Look, lemme explain-"

"Nah..go ...they're waiting for you" I disagreed I picked at my freshly done nails.

"Just listen to me please..I don't want you thinking things" he begged.

"See, we'll talk later okay? Enjoy yourself with the guys. Don't get drunk" I told him before walking away from him and into the bathroom and locking it.

There was a period of silence between us which was soon broken by a profuse banging at the door. "Charle we dey go o!"

"Oh asey adey come la" Harry replied sounding quiet irritated. There was some shuffling in the room and I heard the door open and shut and he was gone.

I exited the bathroom immediately I heard the door close. Sighing again, I climbed onto the bed and took out my phone to call Nhyira;she'd give me some advice as to whether I was over reacting or not.

Just when I pressed the call icon, I heard a small knock on the door. Who's that?

I opened the door to meet a very beautiful girl who looked about my age..I could tell she was related to Harry by her skin colour and her hairy nature. She was truly a beauty. 

"Hey, I'm Janice" she greeted excitedly. Her energy and vibe caused me to smile along with her.

"I'm Serena"

"I know who you are..you're Ry's girlfriend. I'm his sister..well cousin,but he's more like a brother to me" she explained with a smile. I could see she adored him a lot. "I came to check up on you. And also mummy said you should come down for dinner" she informed.

I nodded my head "I'll be right down, thank you"

I began to close the door after she turned to go. "And also, if you want we can hang out after dinner? I'm bored and I want to get to know you. You seem nice"

I smiled warmly. "Thank you Janice and I'll love to hang out with you, I love your energy"

After she left, I grabbed my phone, remembering to put it on silent mode before heading downstairs to joining them for dinner. Them being Harry's aunt, cousin and his uncle. I learnt more cousins we yet to arrive.

True to her word, Janice came to my room after dinner and we bonded really quickly. She told me stories of her naughty childhood days as Harry's partner in crime. Turns out she had just finished SHS and was awaiting her results. From the way she spoke, I could tell she was smart.

Nhyira  video called me back when Janice was with me and we all ended up chatting. Soon enough we had to prepare for tomorrow go to bed. After she left,  I called Nhyira again while taking my ironed dress out of its suit bag and hanging it up. As I laid out my makeup for tomorrow, Nhyira explained to me that I was being unreasonably childish in not letting him explain.

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