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Don't call me crazy, but I decided to take things into my own hands and confront Lisa. Not like actually confront her..okay see..the plan was...

The day of the plan

I'm so crazy.  Gosh I'm being so paranoid right now. What if she doesn't have any information to give me? What if she doesn't even live with Kuukua?

All this was going through my head as I stood in front of Kuukua's gate. That afternoon, I didn't have a class so I decided to go to her house, hoping Lisa was there, so I could finally get some answers as to why Harry was acting strangely.
Hey, don't judge me.

I finally rang the bell.

Oh who am I kidding? This is absolutely ridiculous.

I turned around to leave and just then, the gate opened revealing Lisa.

"Hi. Can I help you?" She asked.

I turned back to face her and faked a smile. "Hey. I'm Serena and I was hoping to see Kuukua. Is she in?"

"She's out right now but I she'll be back in like 5 minutes. Do you want to wait for her?" Lisa asked while opening the gate a little further.

"Yeah sure why not" I answered and stepped in.

In the living room
"Okay..the truth is I was actually hoping to meet you here" I admitted to Lisa.

"Me? Why?" She asked surprised.

"I was hop--" My statement was cut off by the shrieks of of a baby in of the rooms.

"Oops..I got to check on my son" she said before getting up to leave.

I sighed. Great! You're here to worry a woman with a baby! She looks quite young to have a baby and she's not married too. Ei you and your mouth!

Just then, the doorbell rang. Probably Kuukua. I got up to open the gate to let her in, only to find that it was not her.

"Harry?" I asked in confusion.

"Serena! What are you doing here?" A very confused Harry asked.

"I could really ask you the same question. If I remember correctly, you told me today was going to be a busy day..at the hospital" I tried to stay calm. "Or this is the hospital?" I crossed my arms under my breasts as I waited for his answer.

"I--" Harry was cut of by Lisa.

"You guys know each other?" Lisa walked towards us with the child asleep on her shoulder while both her hands supported him.

"Yes we do-" I was interrupted by my ringtone. I fished into my bag and excused myself to answer it.

"What?!" I hissed into the phone.

"Yo chill. That how you were thought to answer the phone?" Riley retorted.

"Sorry. Now what do you want?" I asked in a softer tone.

"You need to come home now." She replied.

"What? Home as in the house?" I wanted some clarification.

"Yes fool. Any other home you know that you're not telling me?" I could feel her rolling her eyes.

"Yeah yeah. But why?" I asked again.

"Just get home. And hurry too...it's an emergency!" She yelled into the phone and hung up.


I sighed and put the phone back in my pocket. I went back in the house to meet Harry and Lisa were talking in hushed tone where I left them.

"I have to go home now..emergency" I announced.

"Is everything alright?" Harry immediately asked.

"That's what I'm going to find out. Excuse me" I said and then turned around to leave.

"Should I take you home?" He asked.

I turned back with a blank look on my face"No you clearly have business here since you're here instead of the hospital like you said. I'll take a taxi."


"Riley! What?!" I yelled as soon as I was let in by Joy.

No answer

"I'm sorry Joy, good afternoon. Where is Riley?" I asked Joy more calmly.

"Jeez I'm here I'm here no need to yell." Riley raised her hands up in surrender as she run down the stairs. She stopped in front of me "Why you so angry anyways?"

"Why did you call me over here? You said it was an emergency but I see there's nothing wrong" I folded my arms under my breasts in annoyance.

"Let's go to my room" she suggested.

"So what's the big emergency???" I quizzed as soon us she shut the door.

"This may sound crazy but I think mom has been coming here..like--"

I raised my hand to stop her from talking.

"What? You're right,that's crazy" I told her.

"Serena, I can literally smell her all over the house. I know..I can feel it she's been in the house" Riley argued.she was the closest to mom anyways.

"That's totally insane Riley. And so what if she's been here? Maybe she left some of her stuff and she's coming back for them now" I reasoned.

"Now? After about 8 months really?" Riley asked.

I shrugged "Anyways if this is all you have to say, I'm leaving now"


"But nothing..and oh, you're paying for my taxi fare"I told her

"I am n-" she started to argue but then shut up when she saw the deadly glare.

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