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Two weeks later

Time seemed to be moving slower of late...Serena's life seemed shallow and incomplete. She broke up with Harry because it seemed like the right thing to do then, but now, nothing was complete without him. The first thing  she wants to do after I acing her test is to call him... but then she remembers she can't...and so many other things  she can't do with him anymore.

He on the other hand,for the time being ,had accepted his role as a father to Dennis, his son and was trying to be civil with Lisa. He still couldn't believe she had gone out of her way and told Serena the truth when they had agreed that he'd be the one to do so, so it didn't seem like he was hiding it from her.

Serena's family was somewhat civil at the moment after her father called an emergency family meeting to address the elephant in the room. Her mother had moved back in, but the children were still a little cold towards her whenever they went home. Serena couldn't believe things had turned so sour in her family.

Two weeks soon turned into two months...

"You look miserable" Yaba commented as we exited the cinema after watching the premiere of a new movie.

"No I do not" I rolled my eyes.

We got into her car(her mom's old car that she let her drive).

"Yes you do and it's because you're still thinking about Doctor Harry Quaye" she put the car in reverse.

"I am not" I objected.

"Okay then..I overheard Nhyira's suggestion for you to get another man and I got you a date" she smiled

"What? What is wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? I'm just trying to help you get over him."

"By getting me a date?"

"Exactly. Maybe you should start dating again. I mean almost all the guys in your class are practically throwing themselves at you when they learnt you were single and you're rejecting all of them. You should move on"

"Don't you think it's too soon?"

"No it's not. Getting to know a new person would help you stop thinking about Harry all the time. So are you in?"

"No...absolutely not. At least not yet"

"So you want me to turn this car around and head to the estate so you can tell Harry you still love him?" She threatened.

My eyes widened and I began to stutter.

Her shrugged in excitement "Okay. To see Harry it is!" She took the next turn so we were in that direction.

"Yaba! Don't be stupid! Turn this car around right now and let's get to campus!" I yelled frantically and she just kept an evil smirk on her face.

"Yaba I will never forgive you if you don't stop this madness" I threatened.

In a matter of only minutes, we would be driving through the gates of the estate.

"I'm doing this for you and you know it" she told me.

"What if I'm not ready?" I asked.

"Then you'll have to get ready" she shrugged.

We were in the estate and she turned left in the direction of his apartment. Minutes later, we were parked in front of Harry's apartment.

"Breathe. You can do this" Yaba said as she shifted so she was facing me.

"Do what exactly? Make a fool out of myself?" I countered.

"Just tell him how you feel" she suggested

"I can't do this. Look, I know you're only trying to help, but maybe you need to step back a little, I mean this is way too far" I said as I motioned towards Harry's apartment.

She sighed and threw her hands up in defeat.
"Okay okay. Maybe this was too far but you know I'm only trying to help right?"

"Yes I know. And maybe when I feel like doing something completely crazy I'll call you" I smiled a little.

"Finneeee" Yaba dramatically let her head down onto the steering wheel, and while fortunately she didn't get hurt, she unfortunately landed right on the horn. A loud deafening car honk sounded throughout the enter neighbourhood in just a matter of seconds.

We both looked at each other and began panicking. The barking of dogs could be heard in the neighbourhood. Suddenly, Harry's room light turned on.

"Oh shit oh shit! Hurry up let's go!" I yelled at Yaba who immediately turned the key in the ignition and put the car in reverse.

"Go go go!" I panicked as I saw his curtain open slide open. In just a couple of seconds, he would look down and see me and I would be so ashamed.

Luckily Yaba was quite a good driver and she sped out of his driveway just in time. I adjusted my seat so I was all the way down and I prayed fervently that he didn't see me.

As we made out way out of the gates, Yaba and I faced each other and burst out laughing.

"Oh my God! That was so fun!"
Yaba exclaimed.

"I know right! It was like we were in fast and furious or something" I laughed along.

"Oh God if he had caught us😂"

"Like I'd be so embarrassed and you'd be soooo dead!" I told her.

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