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Helloooo😊..since the original story cannot be accessed I'm helping out a little.
Since I accidentally deleted the original book and am too heartbroken and lazy to start all over, I'm just going to explain things a little.

Lemme tell you some of the characters...

Mr. and Mrs. Kennman- Serena's parents.
Yaba- her best friend.
Nhyira- her very close friend and also her neighbour.
Kennedy- her ex crush
Adjubi- her friend and course mate.
Joojo- Adjubi's boyfriend
Riley and Kofi- Serena's siblings

So the story starts with Serena Kennman (the main character) being home on after WASSCE break. One day her dad gets a call from her brother's secondary school that he's in critical condition so she offers to accompany him to go pick Kofi up. They take him to a private hospital where Serena meets Harry Quaye, one of the doctors there ,for the first time. She immediately starts to drool ..well not literally😂 ..he's fine as hell. It also turns out that he and her dad know each other. Yeah so fast forward.. they leave the hospital after Kofi is stabilized.

The two meet again when Harry defends her from her ex crush who was kinda harassing her. She went to buy koko with Nhyira, her neighbour when this happened. He introduces himself properly and she finds out he recently moved into the same estate as them.

Next..Yaba comes over to Serena's house and Serena spills the beans about her and Kennedy. He was her crush and they liked each other but Serena wanted to wait a little. She thought he understood but he went behind her back and was secretly dating someone else. Serena found out and was heartbroken but he hadn't stopped texting and calling her to "explain". After they hang out and chill, Serena escorts her to the gates of the estates.When she's on her way back from escorting Yaba, she runs into Harry who's out for an evening jog. They start to talk a little but are interrupted my her dad who pulls up beside them. He invites Harry over to the house for a talk and tells Serena to hop into the car and they go home.

The next day, when Harry comes to the house, Mr. Kennman puts his request across. He wants her to understudy him at the hospital for the rest of the vacation..kind of like an intern. Harry accepts the proposal. Her dad shocks her by telling her to start the next day. She tries to protest and eye begs Harry for help but her father is adamant. She sighs and accepts her fate. She sees him out and he tries to cheer her up and tells her to dress comfy.

Her dad dropped her off at the hospital the next day and was was a little nervous. She also hadn't eaten yet. Harry welcomes her and briefs her a little and then they get to work. At lunch break, the two go to the cafeteria to get some snacks and they get to know each other more. She gets to know the fun and jovial part of Harry. She learns also that he's 24 years and has already been practising for some time now. This was possible because he skipped some grades when he was young. They get along real quick too.

Soon, the results are out and Serena passed. Fast forward..Harry helps her prep for the interview. On the day,he makes her a little nervous by taking her hand and telling her sweet stuff. She managed to calm herself down and the interview went fine. But she decided to play a lil trick on Harry by pretending it went badly. He sympathizes with her and when she can't take it any longer, she bursts out laughing and tells him the truth. He expresses mock anger and she tries to make it up to him by buying him lunch. He agrees and keeps on teasing that she was just looking for an opportunity to ask him out on a date. She's amused and denies it. Harry asks if she has a boyfriend and she denies, changing the subject. He then takes her home after they eat.

A few days later, the three friends, Yaba, Nhyira and Serena go shopping at the mall were they buy lots of stuff and ran into a few more friends. When they go to eat, Kennedy shows up requesting to speak to Serena. She reluctantly agrees and he starts to tell her everything. He apologizes for playing her and assures her that his girlfriend (now ex) meant nothing to him and confesses that he's still in love with her. She's apprehensive at first, but softens when he tells her he wants them to start all over again..being friends again. She agrees to unblock him from all social media and text him one day. They part ways and she returns to the girls. They ask what he said and she tells them. Yaba absolutely rejects the idea of her forgiving him while Nhyira supports it. Yaba hints that she ships Serena and "the doctor" while Nhyira simply disagrees. They argue their stands back and forth and Serena cuts their argument short by telling them to start heading out.

In the next chapter, Serena goes to pay her dad a visit and that's the scene that leads to her spending the night at Harry's. Sorry but you're gonna see screenshots😯😴 cos I'm honestly too lazy to type allladaattttt!

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