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The next day

I was in an extra special good mood because Harry would be arriving today. Today was also Cyril's birthday..making it Cecil's birthday too😂.

Dad dropped me off at the hospital in the afternoon to see Cyril. See, I kinda told Harry a half-truth. Yeah, Dad was paranoid, but I honestly didn't want to ask him if I could go. I felt guilty. He'd always advice me to be chaste, how could I told to him about my boyfriend, to whom I had lost my virginity to. Sigh

(My girls, don't be like me😉)

I'm not saying I regret doing it, I just feel bad for letting him down. My mom would care less, but dad was different.

I entered the hospital and was allowed into Cyril's room. He insisted on having a party in his hospital room...the irony of it. I knocked on the door and it was opened by Cecil who hugged me and let me in after I screamed happy birthday in his face. A bunch of his friends were already in the room, holding balloons and cupcakes. There was so much love in the room, it warmed my heart. I gave Cecil the gift bag I brought along and he thanked me with another hug. Pictures were being taken,with Cyril dressed in regular clothes now..a maroon shirt,a pair of jeans with a cap on his head to match his shirt and a pair of black vapour max shoes.

I recognised some of his friends from his posts on Instagram. Iris was there too. I waved Cyril and joined the crowd. Cecil was nice enough to keep me company since I didn't know anyone else in the room.

"Thanks for coming" Cyril whispered in my ears from behind me. I turned to face him.

"I kinda feel bad though. It's my fault you're celebrating your birthday in a hospital..a place you hate" I told him.

"It's not your fault. And actually, this experience made me appreciate life and the people around me. It has taught me a lot. So thank you for agreeing to go on a walk with me that fateful evening"

I didn't even know what to say. I was touched.

Just then, Cecil announced "Okay everyone, listen up, we're moving to the house for the second part of the party. We're all going together and the transport is all taken care of so let's start wrapping up"

"I'll have to call my dad and let him know about the change of plans. Btw, where do you live?" I asked.

"East legon" he replied. Of course

I excused myself and convinced my dad to let me go.
We left the hospital to the James' house ..well more like mansion.
The black Camry Cecil almost hit Nhyira's car with was in the driveway with 4 other cars parked nearby. I smile at the memory. We entered the house where another group of friends welcomed the twins. Decorations hung everywhere and there was plenty of food and drink for everyone. I would have invited Nhyira if I knew it would be this huge.

"Serena..it's about time you got here!" Speak of the devil. Nhyira screamed over the music as she approached me.

"Ei what are you doing here?" I was honestly amused.

"Cecil is my friend, remember?"  She winked and took a sip.

"Let's go get me a drink..I'm thirsty" I pulled her, and we started towards the drinks table.

The party was very lively..games, music, drinks, food..people. We took some pictures with the twins and then they both said some words.

"I'd like to thank everyone for being here with us..both at the hospital and here. I insisted on celebrating in the hospital too because I learnt a lot from being on that hospital bed. Though unpleasant the experience, great were the lessons. Thank you all for being great friends and thank God for another year. Cheers" He raised his cup and we all drank.

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