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Nothing really exciting happened after Yaba and I's escapade. I know you're wondering where Kennedy is? 😂

Kennedy sympathized with me the first week after my break up and then made his intentions known to date me just the week after. I told him I needed some time to myself and some space too. Nothing discourages that guy.. ...seriously, and I learnt that very soon.

It was Saturday night and Nhyira, Yaba and I were at a night club. We were at Kennedy's birthday party. His parents had rented out a section of the club for just his party. I agreed to go because I was  his friend and also Nhyira said it'll be good for me while Yaba and Nhyira only agreed because they just needed free food and drinks to end the busy weekend.

"This party is great" Nhyira said as she walked back to were we were seated with a new drink in her hand.

"Yes ..the musiccc" Yaba agreed dancing in her seat.

"The birthday boy is having a good time so I guess so" I pointed to Kennedy who was chatting with some girls and went back to texting.

"Let's go and dance" Nhyira sipped on her drink.

"Everyday-" My response was cut short when the dj killed the music and one of Ken's friends, George, took the microphone from the dj.

"I hope we're all having a good time!" He yelled enthusiastically.

The crowd cheered wildly in response.

"Let's have the birthday boy come up here and give us a little dance with any lady of his choice!" George pointed at Kennedy.

Kennedy looked surprised but then immediately smiled and joined George on stage.

George slung his free arm around Kennedy's neck "So tell us, birthday boy, which lucky lady is it gonna be? "

Kennedy smiled a little and turned his head in the direction of the girls he was talking to, scanned the room briefly and then looked in our direction.

Good please no..please please please I beg😭

"I think I would be the lucky guy if Serena Kennman would dance with me" He pointed at me and smiled charmingly.

Again, cheers erupted from crowd as everyone turned to face me and Nhyira screamed loudly into my ear.

I plastered a smile on my face while Yaba took out her phone to record a snap.

I subtly gave her the middle finger as I got up and pulled my black body con dress down.

I finally made my way to them, where Ken hugged me with a huge smile on his face

George smiled cunningly at me and then whispered something in the djs ear. Seconds later, the beat to Mr. Eazi 's Supernova started playing.

Kennedy took my hand in his and we started to dance

🎵Make I be your Supernova
I go buy you things from Fashion Nova (yeah)
I no go do you Jangolova
I go bless you with my Godzilla (ah)🎵

"Oh are you shy?" George's voice echoed through the room causing everyone to laugh. "Oh hold her waist small er oh charle! Serena so you too you can't whine small😂"

Somebody should slap this boy for me😩

I rolled my eyes playfully at him and put Kennedy's arms around my waist while grinding against him a little.

It's his birthday, I might as well give him a once in a life time show😂

"Ah my favourite part!" George yelled as he jumped in excitement.

🎵Love it when you bend down, bend down, pause
All the girls them ah give you, big applause
Girl you no be Shitor you be sauce
All my family must like you by force

By this time, everyone was cheering at the show I was giving them. Halfway through the dance, Ken whispered into my ear "I need to ask you something"

I turned around and smiled "So ask"

He signalled the dj to stop the music and he collect the microphone from George.
The place became silent as everyone was curious as to what was going on. I was so confused myself.

He slowly dropped to one knee and my eyes widened in shock. My head quickly snapped to my girls' direction. Yaba looked like she would burst into laughter any time soon while Nhyira looked pitiful.

Kennedy demanded my attention by pulling on my hand softly. I looked back at him and he started to talk.

"We've been great friends for a long time now. And although I screwed up my chances before, I still want to ask for another chance. I still love you so much Serena"

The only sound that erupted from the crowd was awwww.

Oh Goddddd!😩 Why did he do this in front of everyone? I don't want to say yes but I'll feel so bad if I reject him in front of all these people. I can't also lie and raise his hopes up.

"So what do you say, will you give Kennedy another chance?!" George asked me in excitement and started chanting lowly when he saw the look of uncertainty on my face.

"Yes yes yes yes" he chanted slowly and soon the crowd joined him.

Oh Goddddddd

I smiled nervously and looked back at Kennedy.

"Let's talk in private please" I begged him. He slowly rose to his feet and we went out if the club. The crowd showed their disappointment by booing as we made our way out.

"What was all that?" I quizzed once we were outside.

"I just wanted another chance" he replied.

"You didn't have to do it in front of all those people Kennedy" I hissed.

"I just felt the need to do it then" he threw his hands up in frustration.

I folded my arms under my breasts." No you wanted to put me on the spot so I'll be forced to say yes"

"Look, I'm not that desperate okay? You don't have to keep treating me like trash. You just embarrassed me in front of all my friends" he semi-yelled.

"Oh so this is my fault? I told you I wasn't ready yet. I told you Kennedy!" I countered.

"Yeah you did"

"Look, I didn't mean to embarrass you, but I'm not over Harry so I can't start dating again" I explained

"Just tell me the real truth..say it"


"Do I still even have a chance?" He asked me.

I sighed "Kennedy, I was madly in love with you once, but that ship has sailed. I'm sorry but the truth is I don't feel the same way about you any more" I confessed.

He nodded.
"I understand. Still Harry"


"Bullshit!" He slammed his fist the door violently and glared at me before opening it and going back in.

Oh shit. I think I just lost a friend.

I took in a deep breath and went back inside after a few minutes.

"Let's go please" I told my friends. They nodded in understanding and we grabbed our stuff and left.

In the car, Yaba kept replaying the video and laughing.

"Can you stop watching that?" I rolled my eyes and stared out the window.

"The way his face fell was so hilarious" she burst into another one of her uncontrollable laughters causing all of us to laugh along.

"I can't believe you're making me laugh over this..it's sad" I told her.

"It's not your fault. You can't force yourself to love someone...especially when your heart belongs to somebody else" Nhyira chipped in.


Please who else likes George😂✋

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