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A week later

I sat at the counter in the kitchen where we were gathered because Riley insisted we made our own lunch, giving Joy the afternoon off. If you so feel like cooking why add me geez???

"Oh I forgot to tell you guys that I ran into Kofi's 'girl' last week" Nhyira snickered.

"Ah isn't she supposed to be in school?" I asked.

"She's a day student"Riley commented as she put some pieces of cut yam in the frying pan filled with hot oil

"The way he likes her er..and everyday he'll be denying it too" Nhyira laughed. "Aww poor boyyyy"

"Aww leave my brother alone" she playfully scolded Nhyira. Turning to Kennedy who was seated on one of the stools at the other side of the counter she asked. "Kennedy can you take out some drinks from the fridge?"

He stood up and went to accomplish his task.

At this point, I had tuned out of the conversation and was having my own convo with Harry.

"Serena!" Riley yelled as she turned the pieces of yam she was frying.

I looked up from my phone to meet an annoyed looking Riley

"What?" I asked. She was seriously interrupting my convo.

"I said you should rinse the plates so I can serve the food" she repeated.

"Because you're texting lover boy you won't even mind your own sister"Nhyira said in a motherly tone.

"Oh gettaway" I rolled my eyes and hopped off the stool I was sitting on to get the plates ready. Setting out the plates,I asked them if they would like to eat in the kitchen instead of going all the way to the dinning hall.
Everyone seemed to like the idea.

"You're just lazy af"Kennedy commented throwing a napkin at me.

"No I'm just smart" I shrugged. "I just find simpler alternative ways to do things. I repeat..smart" I winked.

He just shook his head and passed the drinks around.

Riley shared the food and we all sat down to eat

"So you Riley when are you getting married" Nhyira asked out of the blue.

Riley almost choked on her drink when Nhyira asked that.

"Oh hoh! I'm just 21 years old. What kind of pressure is this" she laughed.

"Exactly..eligible for marriage." Nhyira replied.

"Why do you feel like sponsoring her wedding?" Ken asked Nhyira.

"With which money?" Nhyira laughed.

"Exactly so stop putting pressure on me" Riley shrugged.

"Geez chill alright. I was just asking ...geez you guys want to chew me over this " She surrendered.

All this while they were talking, I was texting Harry under the table (counter)

Harry👀: Change of plans. I have to go see an old friend of mine. Sigh.

Serena: but you said you were tired and wanted to rest a little.

Harry👀:yeah..but she claims it's important and i haven't seen her in a couple of years. I might as well just go.

Serena:cool...what's her name tho. Lemme see if it's sexier than mine lol..

Her name is Lisa.

Lisa? Could it be the same Lisa? Kuukua's cousin..no sister?

Before I could ask any more questions, I felt a violent nudge at my right side.
"Serena don't you agree with me" Nhyira quizzed

"Huh?" I looked up from my screen to meet three pairs of curious eyes all focused on me.

"I said Puma has slightly better styles than Nike and they both disagree. You're the tie breaker" Nhyira replied.

I gave her a look that said are you insane? " Of course"

"Aha! I told ya!"Nhyira did a little dance in her seat.

"Sorry to burst you bubble but I meant of course you're wrong" I clarified.

Her smile was immediately wiped off and Ken and Riley high-fived each other.

"Team NIKE!!" Riley screamed raising her drink for a toast.

"TEAM NIKE!" Ken and I clashed our drinks to hers.

"You guys are lame" Nhyira rolled her eyes. "Why do I even hang out with you"

"Free food"

"You love us"

"You also don't want to be the one to cook for you little brothers at home"

Me, Riley and Kennedy replied at the same time.

Nhyira put her hand on her chest and gasped dramatically"I feel so offended right nowww. You guys are so mean" She started to "tear up"I guess we all know who I get my acting skills from

"Aww boo" I rubbed her back as she blinked away fake tears.

"Drama queen" he said as he got up with a cleared plate and walked over to the sink.

"Hungry meanie" she stuck her tongue out. "I was planning on doing the dishes, but since you all decided to be mean to me today..especially you Serena" she put on her most believable 'disappointed' look and paused for a dramatic effect.   "..that's all on you losers"

She hopped off her stool, put her plate in the sink before making the loser symbol with her right hand and walking out.

"Where did you find that one"Riley chuckled.

"I ask myself that ever day" I shook my head and began to do the dishes.

Ouuu. Harry's meeting up with an 'old friend'. Lisa..the name sounds so familiar...Kuukua's sister. Do you think they're the same person? The more comments you make, the quicker I update..hey I rhymed !😁😁

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